Elliott had a good day today. He did briefly get frustrated while he was practicing his Clarinet, but we talked about how sometimes it takes practice to get things perfect and how taking it slowly to start with can really help.
After breakfast Elliott did some Clarinet practice which went well apart from him getting frustrated with himself half way through. He also said he thought he wasn't as good as Isaac anymore so we talked about music not being a competition but being about being able to play the best you can and with your friends. After his practice we headed off to Sol Joel Park with his scooter for some skate park scootering. He was quite timid at first as he'd never been to that skate park before and it was pretty busy, but after a while he plucked up his courage and found a corner to start in. Fortunately Max from Hawkedon Year 3 and holiday club then arrived and so they both encouraged each other and before long Elliott was speeding down the gentler ramps and doing some jumps. He also enjoyed climbing on some parkour equipment they have at the park:
After about an hour and half of scootering we headed home and he had pasta with tomato and bacon sauce for lunch.
After lunch he read some of his Doctor Who book and watched some Doctor Who on the iPad before we went for a run around the fields and flew the drone out on the field. Then it was time for home learning (researching a favourite animal) and he researched wolves using the iPad (with some help from me). he wrote loads about them which was brilliant. Then he had his bath before ham sandwiches and toast for tea. After tea he brushed his teeth, read some more of his Doctor Who book and then it was time for bed.