Monday 28 February 2011

Fireman Sam day


Elliott woke at 6.50am and had no naps today.

He went to bed at 7pm with no problems and fell asleep quickly.


Elliott had Shreddies for breakfast.

He had chicken nuggets, chips and beans for lunch in a pub.

He had toast for tea with a yoghurt pudding.

Around 3pm he had madeira cake for a snack.


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy around 11am.

He went to the toilet 3 times overall during the day to do a wee, including before his bath. He's still not asking, though I am asking him a lot!


He was really well behaved today. The only thing I can think of that he did even slightly wrong was that he took a while to go upstairs at my parents house to have his nappy changed after he'd had his poo.  


He coughed a little more during the day and it sounded quite harsh again. I gave him 3 doses of tixy lix during the day.


We went to visit Granny and Grandpa today where Elliott got his Fireman Sam presents (fire engine, ambulance and helicopter). He was really pleased with these presents and the extras. So we had a morning of playing Fireman Sam.

Then we went for lunch in a pub with Granny (Grandpa had left to travel for work). He was really good during this, really patient. He did Have his Fireman Sam fire engine with him to help, but he was really good at sitting at the table.

When we got back there was more Fireman Sam playtime and some shaking of marracas.

He didn't fall asleep in the car on the way back to Wokingham, but he was well behaved and we sang along to baa baa black sheep and twinkle, twinkle for quite a while!

After we got back to Wokingham we did some reading before bathtime and also played a lot with balloons again.

To see photos of today visit

Sunday 27 February 2011

Monkey birthday mates


Elliott had a nap of about 1 hour around 3pm as he fell asleep watching The Gruffalo and was very tired from his morning.

He went to bed at 7.30pm witn no problems and fell asleep quickly.


Elliott had Shreddies for breakfast.

He had crumpets, baguette, squares and birthday cake for lunch. 

He had chicken, potato and beans for tea with a yoghurt pudding.

No snacks today as he had party food at lunchtime.


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy around 4pm.

He went to the toilet 2 times overall during the day to do a wee, including before his bath.


He was a little naughty in places today but he also had a lot of stimulation so it wasn't a surprise. We had 1 time out in the afternoon for throwing his toys at me. He did this well and explained to me why he was having a time out ande apologised at the end.  


He coughed a little during the day and when he did it sounded quite loud. I gave him 3 doses of tixy lix during the day.


We went to Monkey Mates during the morning with Dave, Lucy, Milly and Elsie and the other Dave, Alice and Fi. This was really good fun and we did sometime inside, then had drinks and opened presents and then went outside into the playground outside.

Inside Elliott was a little less adventurous than normal - I think because it was very busy and there were lots of older children there bombing around - normally when we've been to soft play it's been less crowded. He coped pretty well, though at one point he did get a little upset when some older boys pushed him out of the way (I told them off).

After we sat down for drinks he began to socialise lots more with Milly, Fi and Alice.

Outside in the playground after drinks he was really sociable with the girls and had lots of fun with them. It was also less crowded with more space so I think he felt more comfortable anyway.

After Monkey Mates everyone came back to the flat and we had some party food, a birthday cake and did lots of playing with lots of different toys - including the new scalextrix which he has worked out very quickly and can control the trigger with real precision. At one point everyone watched The Gruffalo together which was really good as they were all asking each other questions about what was going on and interacting really well. At another point they all played different instruments together like a mini Arcade Fire or something.

After everyone had left he was really tired and then fell asleep watching The Gruffalo.

When he woke up we had a go at playing The Very Hungry Caterpillar board game which he didn't quite get, but did basically make up his own version. We also did some colouring and Milly had got the coloured button board out so he did some different pictures with buttons (getting all colours in the right places). Then we played with balloons for a while and he was catching them really well.

After tea we played scalextrix again for a bit before normal bath, milk, story and bedtime routine.

To see photos of today visit

Monday 21 February 2011

Birthday shopping


Elliott had a nap of about 1 and a half hours around 1pm as he seemed quite tired after lunch. He went to bed with no problems.

He went to bed at 7.20pm witn no problems and I think fell asleep quite quickly.


Elliott had Shreddies for breakfast.

He had fish fingers, potatoes and peas for lunch with a yoghurt pudding. He didn't eat any peas and he only ate a few potatoes. 

He had rolls with marmite for his tea.

He had 2 fig rolls for a tea-time snack.


Elliott had no "dirty" nappies during the day.

He went to the toilet 3 times overall during the day to do a wee, including before his bath.


He was really well behaved today and each time it looked like he didn't want to do what he was told I only had to explain why I was saying it and he seemed to get it. For example because it was wet and muddy today I explained I didn't want him to run across the grass to the entrance to the flats as he'd get his clothes wet and dirty and he changed his mind and stuck to the pavement holding my hand. 


He coughed a little during the day, sneezed as well and had a runny nose. I gave him 3 doses of tixy lix during the day.


We went out into Wokingham during the morning. Unfortunately the toddler group was closed because it's half term, but we had a nose round the town and some pink juice / coffee instead. We also went to one of the parks and did a lot of running and general high velocity play.

Before lunch he was navigating around the Fireman Sam website all on his own which was pretty impressive. It is WIndows 7 touch screen so pretty much the same as iPhone, etc, but he seemed to find it all quite intuitive!

After his rest we went to a toy shop (at his request) and picked up a few bits and pieces for his birthday. He was really good at realising he couldn't have what we bought until his birthday.

Other than this there was lots of normal stuff - some reading, some drawing, some cars and aeroplanes with storytelling, some Postman Pat special delivery service, some indoor football / catching, etc. Oh and some great hopping which was lovely to see.

No pictures today as we didn't really do anything particularly photo interesting apart from the park, but I didn't have the camera!

Monday 14 February 2011

Snap, snap - crocodile


Elliott woke at 6.30am.

Elliott had a nap of about 40 minutes in the car on the way back to Wokingham from the Living Rain Forrest in Newbury area.

He went to bed at 7.20pm and was out like a shot!


Elliott had Shreddies for breakfast.

He had chicken burgers, potato waffles and peas for lunch with a joyghurt pudding. He ate it all apart from the peas of which he had 5, though he did feel the chicken burgers were fish fingers and was adamant this was the case! 

He had toast for tea.

He had buttons in the morning as a treat as we did a quick shop (I needed some more milk) - sorry, but he was so good and I made sure it was a very small bag and I really do promise I won't let him get accustumed to it. He also had 2 fig rolls around 4pm for tea.


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy in the morning.

He went to the actual toilet 2 times overall during the day to do a wee, including before his bath, and was really independent. I think this would have been more but we were out for most of the morning and I did encourage using Sainsburys toilets but he wasn't keen (who can blame him!) 


Really good all day today. However I think he's already beginning to push the promise thing a little so am going to use it less to make sure he knows when he promises he has to mean it!


He coughed a little again during the day and also some sneezing. Really doesn't seem all that bad and have some Tixylix I've been giving him. 


Because of still coughing a bit didn't think swimming was appropriate again today, but as soon as he's totally better looking forward to getting back in the pool.

So insead we went to the Living Rain Forrest in the morning via a quick sprint around Sainsburys. He was brilliant at the Living Rain Forrest and seemed particularly captivated by the big fish (Pacus), stingrays and and catfish (he learnt what they were all called, but not sure he'll remember!) Also for the first time there we saw the crocodile (it's a small one) which has been hiding last 2 times and I'd begun to question whether it actually existed. He was fascinated by it and it led to lots of snap snapping with arms, etc. There are also some kind of small, colourful grouse like birds there that wander about freely and are quite tame and he was a bit nervous when they came close, but handled it pretty well. At the end we went into the play area (lots of puddle splashing) and there were about 5 different primary schools there. He seemed pretty assured around them (I was right with him).

The afternoon was fairly typical but had a particularly musical theme. Lots of recorder (he calls it a trumpet) and lots of guitar as have got him a ZIng Zillas toy guitar (super reduced in Sainsburys). At one stage he asked me to play along with my guitar to his guitar which was great fun and then he went to get the drum and banged along to my guitar. And lots more singing!

Oh and also some drawing today - pictures of Charlie and Poppy, fishes and you. Again he was really keen for me to draw with him so we did a train together as well.

Finally on Friday at nursery they were saying it would be good for me to find a group of some sort to take him to some Mondays, which I agree with if you're ok with (in fact do you know any?) Basic thnking is that apparently he's really comfortable with Matthew, Fin, etc but sometimes less so with the bigger pre-schoolers so a bit more socialising with unknown faces may help. I thought about it a bit myself before after Alice's party when it seemed to take a while / chocolate for him to warm up. Plus for me I find it's always good to get out a bit and add some out the house fun to the day. I've had a brief look today and nursery were saying something musical might be good which would definitely suit me. Anyway can't find any Monday things yet, but will ask family information service at work and see.

Also (er, finally) don't know if you're seen but on front of our website there is an online parenting survey about child care, etc. Doesn't seem ideally suited to separated parents but if you fill it in you get free entry to either the Look Out, the Braknell swimming place or something else I can't remember. If you haven't seen it might be worth filling it in for a freebie?.

To see photos of today visit

Sunday 13 February 2011

Charlie and the jigsaw factory


Elliott woke at 7.30am.

Elliott had a nap of about 1 hour in the car on the way back to Wokingham early afternoon around 2.30pm.

He went to bed at 7.10pm but was audibly singing for about 40 minutes before he went to sleep.


Elliott had Special K for breakfast.

He had a roast lamb lunch but he struggled a bit with the lamb which he chewed for ages. In the end he didn't have a lot but he did have some and he had a yoghurt for pudding. 

He had crumpets for tea.

He had another almond slice cake around 10am as a snack and seemed very excited by the concept of cakes all day (lots of pretend cakes handed around!)


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy in the morning.

He went to the actual toilet 5 times overall during the day to do a wee, including before his bath, and was really independent again. 


Only one moment today which was before we left the Sladens. He had been warned 3 times we were going to leave but really didn't want to leave and fell to the floor and started to cry and kick the floor. So I left him and came back after a few minutes when he had stopped making any noise (though I could see him) and when I came back and he was calmer we had a cuddle and he said sorry while I explained that it was silly to throw a tantrum like that.

Also today I started asking him to promise he would do things and give me a hug to agree it. So for example when he was drinking his pre bedtime milk I asked him to promise only one more Peppa Pig before bed and he did and we "sealed" it with a hug and sure enough he went straight to bed after the next Peppa Pig finished!


He coughed a little during the day, but hardly at all. Unfortunately the cough medicine ran out today after 2 doses, however no overnight coughing yet.


We went to the Sladens in the morning. He really enjoyed himself and him and Charlie were interacting lots. There was some catching with a ball (though Elliott is still not quite catching), lots of cars and trains, listening to Poppy play the violin, climbing up and down Poppy's bunk bed, some chasing, etc. He also helped Charlie with a Fireman Sam jigsaw.

After a fairly late lunch we drove back to Wokingham and when we got back played some indoor football, read the Gruffalo about 5 times, played with cars and watched some Peppa Pigs.

We also had a quite long and really fun bath today and I did his hair like Ferris Beuller in the shower scene and showed him in the mirror and he thought it was hilarious.

There was also a lot of singing throughout the day. At the Sladens he did a great Baa Baa Black Sheep, and during the day at different times there has been more Baa Baa Black Sheep, some Wheels On The Bus, a bit of Hot Cross Buns and the Monkeys In A Tree song from nursery that I don't know very well. I've been singing along with him as much as possible and when he asks me to and have a nursery rhymes CD in the car that we sing along too.

To see photos of today visit

Saturday 12 February 2011

The beach


Elliott woke at 7.10am.

Elliott had a nap of about 40 minutes in the car on the way back from a morning trip to Bournemouth at around 1.30pm.

He went to bed at 7.20pm and was visibly very tired with droopy eyes during both milk and story time.


Elliott had Rice Crispies for breakfast.

He had spaghetti bolognese for lunch and sat down really well and ate a really good quantity. I tried an orange the for pudding but he was not keen so I ended up eating it.

He had fish fingers, toast and yoghurt for tea and ate all of this too.

He had some an almond slice cake around 4pm as a snack.


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy in the morning.

He went to the actual toilet 4 times overall during the day, including before his bath, and was really independent about the whole thing just like at nursery so that's really encouraging. Each time he did a wee. 


He was good all day today. There were a few possible moments, but every time he responded well rather than throwing a tantrum so no time outs needed. I was especially pleased that he sat down to his meals with so little fuss and so quickly today as sometimes recently that hasn't always been the case.


He coughed a little during the day, but still seems on the mend. Still enough cough medicine for 3 doses today, but think it will run out tomorrow.


We went to Bournemoth with Granny in the morning. This was really good fun. We looked in some shops at birthday presents for him and got him a few things. Then we had coffee / pink juice. Then we went to the beach and Elliott ran around lots including both of us running up to the water and then back again. There were also some surfers to watch which I think he found pretty interesting. On the way to the beach through the park there was also some classic puddle splashing (he had his wellies on!)

Other than that it was a normal combination of puzzles, cars, books, Fireman Sam, balls, chasing and palying with the toy farm and animals at Granny and Grandpa's house that he really enjoys.

To see photos of today visit

Monday 7 February 2011

You're very welcome


Elliott had a nap of about an hour after lunch at 1.30pm as he was visibly tired after the morning and he went to bed with no fuss at all and seemed to want a sleep.

He went to bed at 7.10pm though was audibly awake for about 30 minutes after said good night.


Elliott had Bran Flakes for breakfast.

He had fish fingers, potato waffles and carrots  forlunch and did really well with this apart from the carrots. He had a yoghurt for pudding. He also sat down straight away today.  

For tea he had toast with some marmite.

He had some fig roll biscuits for a snack around 4pm.


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy in the afternoon that was quite solid.

He sat on the toilet well during nappy changes and today he did a wee in the toilet before his bath.

However he didn't want to go to the toilet after his bath today. 


He was really good all day today overall and very polite. For example when I thanked him for passing me his plate after lunch as I was tidying up he said "you're very welcome"!

There was one moment where he looked to be about to throw a strop when it was time to leave Monkey Mates soft play as he didn't want to go. However I asked him not to be silly, reminded him that I'd warned him we were leaving in 5 minutes and he'd agreed and gave him a moment to collect himself. Fortunately he did and then went straight to put his shoes and coat on so we could leave. 


We went to Monkey Mates soft play during the morning which is just down the road. He had a great time and even went down quite an intimidating slide which enjoyed so much he then did it again immediately! He was also interacting very nicely with some of the other children there and waiting his turn on the various apparatus, etc with no fuss which I was very proud of - especially as some of the others there were finding that more difficult! So after we left I told him how good he'd been and why and gave him big high fives and cuddles. 

After his nap we played with cars for quite a while, did his Thomas jigsaw, he "read" me the very hungry caterpillar and then we had a go with the alphabet cards. Then we popped out to a nearby park to play with a football and on some slides, etc.

When we got back it was practically time for tea and he chose Bob The Builder to watch for a while.

We also had quite a long bath tonight and did a lot of playing with turtles and boats during which he was hilarious but also very good at not soaking the entire bathroom.

By bedtime I think he was pretty zonked because when he "read" me the very hungry caterpillar this time I think he got it a bit mixed up with monkey puzzle and started explaining that the hungry caterpillar was looking for his Mummy but that the sausage wasn't his Mummy. This was extermely cute!

He also drank all the pink juices with his medicine in with no problem and was coughing visibly less, though still a little at times - though he is now pretty good at covering his mouth when he coughs.

To see photos of today visit
