Saturday 30 June 2012

Big school fete


Elliott was good for all of today although he got a bit upset when it was time to leave the fete, but he calmed down quickly. He procrastinated a little bit at bed time, but was a good boy and went to sleep quite quickly in the end.


In the morning we had breakfast while watching a new Sonic cartoon DVD and then played for a while. The it was off to big school fete which was good fun. He mainly enjoyed the bit bouncy castle style slide, but there were lots of stalls and there was a tug of war competition going on for each school year. He did want to see inside the big school but I said we could see that on Tuesday. He was a little shy at first as it was quite big, but he soon got into the swing of things. I also won a bottle of wine which I'm hoping is a good omen.  

In the afternoon we went to The Look Out and spent some time inside and outside in the adventure playgrounds. He really had fun and was socialising with quite a lot of other children around his age, making up games as they ran around and having fun, which was brilliant to see. 

To see photos of today visit

Friday 29 June 2012

Toy shop


Elliott was good for all of today.


In the morning we had a lazy time and watched some television as well as playing.  

In the afternoon we went to Toys R Us for ages and bought a new "holiday" Lightning McQueen and then we played lots after we got back.

Monday 25 June 2012

Breakfast with Alice and Fi


Elliott was good for all of today.


In the morning we had breakfast with Alice and Fi which was fun. Then we went shopping for a bit on the way home and had a lazy morning playing with cars and doing a bit of colouring in.  

In the afternoon we went to Monkey Mates as Elliott seemed keen to go and we did a lot of running around both inside and out. So much that he fell asleep for a bit in the middle of his crackers for tea. He's been really good though and talked lots about baby Libby. 

To see photos of today visit

Sunday 24 June 2012



Elliott was good for all of today although he needed some encouragement to eat his sausage during the barbeque.


In the morning we went into Reading and did a bit of shopping before meeting up with Andrea for a bite to eat. He was really good, though we did punctuate looking at things for Daddy with looking at toys.  

In the afternoon we visited Dave, Jo, Alice and Fi for a barbeque and we stayed overnight so I could watch the football with Dave. He played football with the girls outside (he was in football kit) and various other games like hide and seek. He really seemed to enjoy himself. He decided he didn't want to sleep in the girl's room so slept in my room (Andrea didn't stay over). But he went to sleep really quickly and well. 

To see photos of today visit

Monday 18 June 2012



Elliott was good for all of today.


In the morning we did some chores and had a lazy time.  

In the afternoon we went to Mad House where we had a really good time and it was less busy than our last visit. He was exhausted by the end of playing and we played in the football court a lot. 

Saturday 16 June 2012

Keira's birthday party


Elliott was good for all of today.


In the morning we went to Keira's birthday party at Monkey Mates. This was really good fun and Elliott did lots of socialising with Matthew Burden and Matthew Diamond. He played inside and outside and had a lot of fun.  

In the afternoon we visited Andrea and played inside and out in her flat's gardens. He also helped Andrea make some flap jacks. He stayed over in Andrea's spare room and was really well behaved. 

To see photos of today visit

Monday 11 June 2012

Mad House


Elliott was good for most of today, although we did have a time-out while we were watching the England game because he kept turning the football off after a while and was asked not to.


After a lazy morning we went to Mad House soft play for lunch and the afternoon which was really good fun. He played quite a lot of football and made some friends while he did as well as the normal running over the apparatus.  

After Mad House we watched the football, though he wasn't engaged by it for very long. We did play with toys while it was on, but I did end up giving him a time-out as he kept trying to switch the football to Special Agent Oso and was repeatedly asked not to just for that special match!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Regatta at Rivermead


Elliott was good for all of today and seemed much more himself quickly after his hospital visit.


We went scootering in the morning down by the river at Rivermead, where there was also a rowing Regatta which he was a little bit interested in. 

After he visited baby Libby we went back to my house and had tea and playtime with Andrea.

To see photos of today visit

Saturday 9 June 2012

Harry Jenkins' birthday


Elliott was good for most of today, although we did have a time-out at Andrea's parent's house as he was not listening. After that he was great though. He also seemed a little dazed after visiting baby Libby and was asking why baby Libby wasn't visiting me with him, so I explained that Andy was baby Libby's Daddy not me - however as we went pretty much straight to Monkey Mates he soon moved on.


After a lazy morning and visiting baby Libby we went to Monkey Mates to play with Harry on his birthday.   

After Monkey Mates we went to Andrea's parents house for a party lunch and games. Harry's Mummy and Daddy weren't there as Harry's Mummy was having Harry's new brother - baby Jack. But Andrea, her Mum and Dad and Harry's other grandparent (Grandad Tennis) were all there as well as the two boys. The games were pass the parcel and pin the tale on the donkey (actually an elephant picture). There was also lots of playing in the garden with balls and some hide and seek. Overall Elliott was really well behaved, apart from a section of not listening, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home before tea which is always a good sign of a fun day.

To see photos of today visit

Monday 4 June 2012

Jubilee party


Elliott was good today although it was a struggle to get him to eat lunch at the party.


We went to a garden party for the most of the day with Andrea at her friend's house. Elliott got on really well with a 5 year old boy called Ethan who was there (and his older sister Issy) so he spent a lot of time playing with Ethan pretending to be Transformers, football, racing, etc. He wasn't shy for very long at all at the beginning as well.  

After the party we came back with Andrea to Reading for tea.

To see photos of today visit
