Tuesday 30 April 2019

Invasion Games


Elliott was very good after school today and had a good day at school.


I picked Elliott up after Invasion Games after school club which he'd really enjoyed. They'd played Capture The Flag, Handball, Dodgeball and Softball. On our way home we bought some items for his packed lunch at Forest School tomorrow and then after we got home he did his Maths homework while I made his packed lunch. After his homework he posed his Transformers and did some Clarinet practice before having toast for tea. Then he had a shower, brushed his teeth, got ready for bed and read some of his new school book "Timmy Failure: We Meet Again".

Saturday 13 April 2019

Beyond The Download


Elliott was mainly good today. Unfortunately when he said he was doing his homework SATS test I found him watching the iPad at the same time so we had a chat about focusing on SATS tests and homework now to practice properly. He was a upset by this at first but then did do another test downstairs away from distractions and he did that test very well.


After breakfast Elliott played some Fortnite on the iPad before then doing his homework. He also did some more animating producing a tralier for his next series of animations "Battle For Cybertron". We had luncheon meat sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch we went to Wokingham and had as well as the shopping we had a look in the new record store there "Beyond The Download" on Record Store Day. After we got back from Wokingham he did some Clarinet practice and did longer than normal which was great before playing Fortnite again. He had cheese on toast for tea before having his bath, brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. Before bed time he watched some more Transformers reviews on the iPad than then read more of "Cogheart" before going to sleep.

Friday 12 April 2019

Lazy day


Elliott was good today. 


We had a lazy morning today and Elliott did some iPad watching, some posing of his Transformers and some animating. We found out during the morning that he hadn't been picked for the final South Berkshire Under 12s A Team squad for the big finals, but he wasn't upset and was pleased they wanted him to join in with the final traning session. He had ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch he did a test for his homework and then we went shopping at Sainsburys. After shopping he did some Clarinet practice and then did some more animating. Then he had Spaghetti Bolognese for tea before having his bath, brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. He read more of "Cogheart" before going to sleep.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Siege Series Hound


Elliott was very good today. 


Elliott did a homework test after breakfast and then did some more Clarinet practice with Grandpa. Then he watched some Fortnite gaming on the iPad before we had an early lunch of pasta with Dolmio bacon and tomato stir in sauce.

After lunch we packed the car and set off to come back home. We stopped at Southampton on the way home to do some shopping and we went to Smyths Toys Superstore in Hedge End where Elliott bought a new Siege Series Hound Transformer. Then we headed back home and he had ham, pepperoni and salami six inch Subway for tea. After tea he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed and then played Fortnite online for a while. Finally he read more of "Cogheart" before going to sleep.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Holly and Lottie Chandler


Elliott was good today. 


In the morning, after breakfast, Elliott did a test for homework and then did some more Clarinet practice with Grandpa. Then we went to Salisbury where we went shopping. Unfotunately Elliott couldn't find the Bumblebee Transformer he was after but he did save his money for when he can rather than spend it on something else. We went to Pizza Express for lunch and Elliott had a pepperoni pizza.

After lunch we looked at magazines and books in WH Smith before heading to Cranborne to visit Tim, Emily, Holly and Lottie Chandler. Elliott was really good with the girls (Holly is 3 and Lottie is 2) and played with them in the garden and in their playroom before we had hot dogs for tea. After tea he played football outside with me and Tim before we went home. He got ready for bed and brushed his teeth when we got home witout a bath as it was getting late and then read more of "Cogheart" before it was time to go to sleep.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Fossil hunting


Elliott was reallly good today. 


After breakfast we all went to Charmouth to go fossil hunting. When we arrived at Charmouth we had a quick look at the beach and then Elliott had ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch with yoghurt raisins for pudding.

After lunch we met up in the Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre where a fossil expert gave us a half hour guide to fossils and what we could find on the beach. Then we headed out as a group and did some fossil hunting. Elliott found a few fossils and right at the end found the best fossil of the day that any of us found:

After the fossil hunting he had a hot chocolate to warm up and then we drove back and went to The Green Dragon for tea. Elliott had a bacon cheeseburger, chips and peas and some garlic bread with cheese. Then we drove back to Granny and Grandpa's house and Elliott did some Clarinet practice with Grandpa before then having his bath, brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. Then he read more of "Cogheart" before going to sleep.

Monday 8 April 2019



Elliott was really good today. He did get a bit upset before we went home as he wanted to look in Smyths Toy Superstore but he accepted there wasn't time today quite quickly and then got over his sulkiness quickly.


In the morning, after breakfast, Elliott did some quick Clarinet practice. Then we headed to Wilton House gardens to meet up with Matt, Harry and Bertie Higgins with Andrea and Granny. The boys had a lot of fun running around playing together in the adventure playground there:

While we were there we had chicken sandwiches, cheese sandwiches and yoghurt raisins for lunch.

After lunch we went to Salisbury City Centre and went to see Shazam at the cinema. Everyone enjoyed the film:

After the cinema we went home but Elliott was a bit upset not to have time to go to Smyths Toy Superstore before going home. After we got home Elliott had chicken nuggets, chips and peas for tea. After tea he did some more Clarinet practice with Grandpa and worked hard at higher notes. Then he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. After his bath he played Fortnite on the iPad for about half an hour and then he read more of "Cogheart" before going to sleep.

Sunday 7 April 2019

Hockey training


Elliott was good today. 


In the morning Elliott had extra hockey training with the Under 12 As. I thought he had some really good moments but also at times looked a little disconnected. We had a chat afterwards and he said that he had been quite nervous about not wanting to make a mistake and be moaned at so was hanging back sometimes because of that. So we talked about how when people play sport they sometimes react in the moment and say things that aren't as encouraging as they could be when someone makes a mistake but to try and learn to disregard that. He was concerned because one of the players had made a joke out of Ethan missing his shot last week. We also talked a little bit about how to look really engaged all the time when Dave is coaching and maybe swing his stick a little less. Overall though I think training at the step up was a positive experience and hopefully will be advantageous for next year. It is hard trying to explain to him that some personalities when they play sport mean people are critical to their own player when he really isn't like that. After hockey we went home and he had a bath before packing for the journey to Granny and Grandpa's house and then some toast for lunch. 

After lunch we travelled down to Downton to see Granny and Grandpa. After we arrived he showed Granny his owl and then we had Roast Chicken for tea. He also had some broccoli and some yoghurt covered raisins for pudding. After tea he watched some Transformers toy reviews on the iPad before getting ready for bed and brushing his teeth. Finally he read more of "Cogheart" and then went to sleep.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Bracknell Bees


Elliott was very good today. 


We had a lazy morning today. Elliott played Fortnite, made some videos and played with his Transformers. He did also do some homework tests and he did some spelling practice on the laptop using Spelling Shed. We had some toast for lunch.

After lunch Elliott tidied his bedroom and watched some Transformers animations. Then we went to watch the Bracknell Bees play the Peterborough Phantoms in the Ice Hockey play off final. This was good fun and the game finished 7-4 to the Phantoms thought both sides are only playing off to see who'll they'll play in the semi finals at Coventry. We also bumped in to Mr Maker while we were there and had a chat. He had a hot dog with curly fries for tea while we watched the Ice Hockey. After the Ice Hockey we went straight home and then he cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed without a bath as it was getting late. He read more of "Cogheart"  before going to sleep.

Friday 5 April 2019

Easter Egg Hunt


Elliott was good after school today and pleased to break up for the Easter holiday.


After school we met for the Hawkedon Parent's Association Easter Egg Hunt as I was helping with it. In the end it was worth it as Elliott managed to get 2 Easter Eggs. Then we drove home and Elliott used the laptop to do Spelling Shed work. Then he played with his Transformers and watched Transformer toy reviews on You Tube before having toast for tea. After tea he had his bath, brushed his teeth, got ready for bed. Before going to sleep he read some more of his "Cogheart" school book before going to sleep.

Tuesday 2 April 2019



Elliott was really good after school today.


There was no Hockey Club today and Elliott has now completed Stage 6 swimming so we're finishing official swimming lessons. So after school we had some time on our hands and visited Smyth's Toy Superstore where he bought a new Bumblebee Transformer with some of his brithday money. After we got home he watched some Transformers reviews on the iPad before having toast for tea. After tea he had a bath, got ready for bed and bruhsed his teeth. Then he read some more of his "Cogheart" school book before going to sleep.
