Wednesday 25 May 2016



Elliott was really good after school today. He said he'd had a very good day at school where he'd got a house point for his handwriting improvement and passed a Maths test. He had Roast Chicken for lunch. His cough is sounding a bit louder at the moment. 


After school we went home and watched the first Dalek episode of Doctor Who after it came back which he really enjoyed. We had a burger for tea while we watched Doctor Who. Then he read more of Danny the Champion of the World before bath, teeth and bed time.

Tuesday 24 May 2016



Elliott was good after school today. 


After school we went home and had a ham sandwich before swimming. Swimming went really well and after swimming he watched some iPad and had another ham sandwich. Then he brushed his teeth and read some more of Danny the Champion of the World before bed time.

Monday 23 May 2016

Passing practice


Elliott was really good after school today. He was a bit over silly during football training at times but I think he was just having fun and we had a chat afterwards about listening a bit more and saving silliness for breaks (but still having fun).


After school we went home and had hot dogs for tea. Then Elliott got changed and it was off to football training where they did a lot of passing exercises and some crossing and shooting practice. After we'd picked up his art folder we headed home for bath time, brushing teeth and bed time.

Sunday 22 May 2016



Elliott was really good today.


We had a lazy morning and watched 2 episodes of Doctor Who as well as finishing his time tables homework, playing with Ben 10 toys and reading more of Danny the Champion of the world. We had cheese on toast for lunch.

After lunch we went to Megabowl and had a game of bowling which he really enjoyed and did well at. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon in a park playing badminton, tennis and on the equipment. After we got home we had Roast Pork for tea with Andrea's Dad who visited and Elliott had broccoli and a few sweetcorn with his meal. After the meal he played miniature table football and air hockey against Andrea's Dad before it was bath time. After bath time we did his home learning and talked about sharing and why it's good and how he feels when he shares things. Then he read more of Danny the Champion of the World before going to sleep.

Saturday 21 May 2016

FA Cup Final


Elliott didn't get up until about 7.30am this morning and was really good today.


Due to the early football kick off today we didn't do any homework before football today. I thought he did really well in football both in defence and on the wing and it was a shame he got injured a few times, although I wonder if being a bit tired meant he felt the tackles more than some times. After football we came home and he had a bath as we hadn't had time the night before. Then he did his first lot of times tables homework before we watched an episode of Doctor Who while we ate pasta with bacon sauce for lunch.

After lunch he read some of Danny the Champion of the World, used an animation app to make a dancing stickman, wrote the beginning of a story about Max Spencer (based on Max Steel), did another lot of his times tables homwork and played with Star Wars Lego. Then we headed off to The Ship for the FA Cup Final. He took his iPad and played Minecraft but he did watch quite large chunks of the game and seems to be getting more interested in football when it's on. We left at the end of normal time and he had a ham sandwich for tea before brushing his teeth and then reading more of Danny the Champion of the World before it was time to go to sleep.

Friday 20 May 2016



Elliott was really good after school today.


After school we went home for some sandwiches and then went back to school for the discos. During the first disco he sat in the break out zone with his iPad and talking to a girl from his class called Mia and during the break he helped give out the packets of crisps to the Year 1 and Year 2 children which was brilliant. Then it was time for his disco and he had a lot of fun with Isaac, Thomas, Sam, Charlie and Kian. He did some great break dancing and seemed to really enjoy himself. After his disco we hung around to help for a bit longer and then it was off home and straight to bed and sleep around 9.30pm.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Dream Big competition


Elliott was good after school today. He'd really enjoyed playing hockey in PE again.


After we got home Elliott drew a self portrait in the style of Van Gogh, then coloured it in and had some cheese sandwiches for tea. Then it was time for swimming which went well. After we got back from swimming he finished his "Dream Big" Blue Peter competition entry. He seemed worried about his writing and not very confident so I helped him with the writing parts. After he'd finished the competition entry he decided to practice writing and began writing a story about Bad Ben and Good Gary. After he'd done some writing he brushed his teeth and then read some of his Horrid Henry book and then it was time for bed and sleep.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

David's Big Adventures Of The World


Elliott was good after school today and had pasta at school for lunch. He had really enjoyed playing hockey in PE at school.


When we got home after school Elliott began working on his entry for the "Dream Big" Blue Peter competition. This is a story about David Williams who lives with horrible step parents and one day, when he goes to visit his real parents grave, he sees a hole that he falls into, which turns out to be a portal. This hole transports him to another world which is like a jungle and has talking animals. While he's there he talks to the gorillas and gets a legendary phone from them which is magical. Then he returns home ready for more adventures. In the competition he has to write a brief description of his story and draw the beginning, middle and end as well as adding some text to those pictures. Before swimming he drew the pictures. Then we went to swimming and he did really well. When we got back from swimming he had toast for tea and then he started writing David's Big Adventures Of The World in his notebook to practice for the Blue Peter competition entry (he wrote the first chapter and the beginning of the second). He's going to take the Blue Peter competition entry to school with him so he can carry on with it over the next few days (it has to be posted to Blue Peter to arrive by 23 May). Then he brushed his teeth, read some more of Charlie and The Great Glass Elevator and went to sleep.

Monday 9 May 2016

Garlic bread


Elliott was good after school today and had spaghetti bolgonese for lunch (although he did say they always advertise it as coming with garlic bread but that it never does which he seemed a bit miffed about).


After school we went home and he read some Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, made a loom band while we ate toast and watched Zig and Zag on CBBC. Then he got changed for football and we went to football training. Football training was a big disappointing as they split them in to groups and his group seemed to be doing more basic passing and tackling exercises while the other group were doing more advanced positional training for actual games. But he still seemed to enjoy himself. After training we raced home for a quick bath, teeth and bed time.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Dutch food


Elliott slept in until 7.30am this morning and was in a much better mood today.


We had a lazy day today. In the morning Elliott watched some more Doctor Who, made his own episode of Doctor Who with his Lego app and played Doctor Who with his toys and in the garden. He also read some more of Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. He also did his last set of homework sums. We had cheese on toast for lunch.

After lunch we played cricket for a bit in the garden and he played more with his Doctor Who toys and his Star Wars toys. We had Roast Chicken for tea and he eat his broccoli with no fuss. After tea he had his bath and then we researched his home learning which was all about Dutch food and what they eat. After his home learning he brushed his teeth and then went to bed and read some more of Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator before it was time to go to sleep.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Doctor Who


Elliott was in quite a grumpy and sulky mood during the morning. It didn't bubble over into any conflict or anything bad but he just took a while to do anything and his natural reaction to being asked to do anything was not to want to do it. However he was in a much better mood after lunch and was good for the rest of the day.


After breakfast Elliott drew another Van Gogh picture and then did the first lot of times tables for his homework. Then it was time for football and after a bit of reluctance to put his shin pads on we got going. I thought he played really well today and when he missed a tackle ran hard to make up for it and tackle again. It was a shame when he'd come back on in the second half that he had to come off for a bit after taking his knock but it was good to see Panthers didn't let any goals in while he was on the pitch. After we got back from football we went in to the flat's garden and played football and cricket. Then we came in for pasta for lunch.

After lunch he read some of Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator and a Ben 10 book and then went out again to play in the garden with Amelia and Amelia's friend Victoria and they played some football, cricket and a game of tag. After he came back in he watched an episode of Doctor Who and played with his Doctor Who toys before we had ham sandwiches for tea. Then it was time for bath and teeth and he watched another Doctor Who episode after his bath before it was time to go to sleep.

Friday 6 May 2016

Star of the Week


Elliott was very pleased when he came out of school that he'd been made Star of the Week for his Van Gogh drawings. He was really good after school.


After school we went home via Wokingham and bought a toy helicopter he's been saving up for with his pocket money. After we got home he drew another Van Gogh picture and then went outside to the flat's garden to play cricket and football with Amelia. Then she came in and he showed her his pictures and then they both drew separate pictures at the same time. After she left he had toast for tea whiile he watched Blue Peter before bath, teeth and bed time and a break from reading.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Doctor Who


Elliott was good after school. He'd had sausage and mash for lunch and had got two house points at school, one for his Van Gogh drawing of Starry Night and one for being brave in PE. We didn't go to swimming as he had a headache and a tummy ache, but later on he seemed better and said he wished he had been able to go.


After school we went home and he drew another version of the Vin Gogh Starry Night picture he'd got a house point for at school. Then we had some toast for tea and he watched an episode of Doctor Who which he really enjoyed ("Dinosaurs on a Spaceship"). Then it was time for his bath. After his bath and brushing his teeth he finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and started reading the next Jack Stalwart book in the series (set in Kenya). 

Monday 2 May 2016

Wokingham May Fayre


Elliott was really good today. He was a bit bashful about trying any activities when we first got to the Fayre but he soon got involved and enjoyed himself.


After we got back to Wokingham we went to the Wokingham May Fayre. It was good fun and Elliott played some mini golf with Andrea and me, tried to win prizes by kicking a football through a target, took part in lots of tombolas and won some Horrible Histories and Lego magazines and had a go on some electric quad bikes:

While we were there we went to Costa for lunch and he had a ham and cheese toastie.

After lunch we went to Sports Direct in Bracknell and bought some blue football boots for outdoors and some new goalkeeping gloves. After we got home Elliott read the magazines he'd won at the Fayre and played with the free gifts that came with them while we watched the snooker. We also watched Willy Wonka and the Chocoate Factory and he did his homework. We had chicken and rice for tea and after his bath we talked about skeletons for his home learning before he read some more of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory before going to sleep.
