Monday 29 June 2020



Elliott was very good today.


After he arrived Elliott did his Maths lesson work which took most of the morning. He had ham and cheese sandwiches and Brevita biscuits for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced his cardistry and his Clarinet. Unfortunately there was no Clarinet lesson today as his Clarinet teacher is ill and will not be back this term. He had pasta with bacon and tomato sauce for tea and a Yo-Yo Bear friuit for tea. After tea he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Tuesday 23 June 2020



Elliott was really good today.


Elliott had a shower in the morning and then he did his drama and maths lesson work. He had ham sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he had his first Zoom lesson and it was English and it seemed to go well. Then he practiced cardistry. He had chicken in breadcrumbs and potato waffles for tea and after tea he went for a walk with Andrea. After we got home he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Before he went to sleep he read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore.

Monday 22 June 2020



Elliott was very good today.


Elliott had a shower in the morning again and then he did his Careers test and his RE lesson work. He had ham and cheese sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced cardistry and then had his Clarinet lesson. He had burgers, over fries and peas for tea and after tea we played cricket. After we got home he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Sunday 21 June 2020

Fathers Day


Elliott was really good today.


In the morning he had a shower and we watched the Batman film made by Tim Burton from 1989. Elliott also gave me a Fathers Day card and a Guns N Roses t-shirt. He had ham and cheese sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced his Clarinet and practiced moves with his cards. We had Roast Chicken, roast potatoes and broccoli for tea. After tea he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Farley Mount


Elliott was really good today.


In the morning we got up and then went to Farley Mount near Winchester to meet up with Matt and Harry Higgins. We went for quite a long walk (5.5km):

Elliott also showed Matt and Harry some of his magic, including one card trick that was really impressive. We stopped at Fleet Services on the way home and had a Kentucky Fried Chicken popcorn chiken and chips for lunch (Elliott waited in the car while I went in to their socially distanced ordering system.) 

After we got home Elliott practiced his Clarinet and called his friend George Rosenthal. He also made some more Lego models and practiced more cardistry. He had spaghetti bolognese for tea and then got ready for bed and brushed his teeth. We've decided to try showers in the morning instead of baths. Before he went to sleep he read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore.

Friday 19 June 2020



Elliott was very good today.


In the morning Elliott did his Maths and French lesson work after he arrived. He had ham and cheese sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced his magic and cardistry, watched Teen Titans Go and went to Wokingham with Andrea. He also practiced his Clarinet. He helped make his tea for food technology and he had burgers, potato waffles and peas for tea. After tea it was time for his bath, then he cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Monday 15 June 2020

The Great Plague


Elliott was very good today.


In the morning Elliott did his History and ICT lesson work after he arrived and his History work was about The Great Plague. He had beef sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced his magic and cardistry and watched Teen Titans Go. Unfortunately his Clarinet teacher was ill today so instead of his lesson he did some practice and then he finished off some History school work about The Great Fire of London he'd missed seeing had been set. He had burgers, potato waffles and peas for tea with a Yo-Yo Bdear fruit for tea. After tea he had his bath, cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Harry and Jack Jenkins birthday presents


Elliott was really good today.


In the morning Elliott did his Maths, Geography and Music lesson work. He had chicken sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced his magic and cardistry, although he got a bit upset about his hands being too small and so I encouraged him to come downstairs to where I was working and do some animation instead. Then he went to visit Harry and Jack Jenkins with Andrea to give them their birthday presents (while outside and socially distanced of course). When he got back he did some Clarinet practice and then he had pasta with bacon sauce for tea. Then he got back he had his bath, cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Monday 8 June 2020

Libby's birthday tea


Elliott was very good today.


In the morning Elliott did his History and RE lesson school work. He had cheese sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he practiced his magic and cardistry while watching Michael McIntyre and then he had his Clarinet lesson. Then he went to Libby's birthday tea. When he got back he had his bath, cleaned his teeth and got ready for bed. Before he went to sleep he read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Granny and Grandpa


Elliott was really good today although he was a little upset early in the day about whether Libby wanted him to go to her birthday tea tomorrow, but he soon calmed down after it was resolved.


In the morning Elliott practiced magic and made new Lego scenes. He had toasted crumpets and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch we went to Crabtree Plantation in Basingstoke where we met up with Granny and Grandpa and went for a walk. After the walk we went home and we had Roast Chicken, roast potatoes and broccoli for tea. After tea he had a bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Saturday 6 June 2020

The Dark Knight


Elliott was very good today. 


Elliott spent most of the morning practicing magic and he also practiced his Clarinet. He had cheese sandwiches and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch we watched "The Dark Knight" and then we had spaghetti bolognese for tea. After tea Elliott taught me a card trick and then joined in with Andrea's family quiz. After the quiz he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Before he went to sleep he read more of "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore.

Friday 5 June 2020

The Killing


Elliott was really good today after he arrived. 


After he arrived Elliott unpacked and then started making Lego models and watching Now You See Me. He had sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch he carried on making Lego scenes and then practiced his Clarinet. He had pepperoni pizza for tea and a Yo-Yo Bear fruit for his pudding. After tea he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of his book "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Monday 1 June 2020

Clarinet lesson


Elliott was very good today. 


After he arrived Elliott unpacked and then finished his Design Technology work and his Maths work. Then he did some animating. He had pasta with pepperoni sauce for lunch and Yo-Yo Bear fruit for lunch. 

After lunch he relaxed in his room before his Clarinet lesson over Zoom which went well and his teacher said "well done". After his lesson we played cricket and then he had crackers with cheese for tea. After tea he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of his book "The Killing" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.
