Wednesday 31 July 2019

Uncle Jim's funeral


Elliott was was very good today and a lot of people complimented him over how well behaved he was during the funeral.


After we got up we had bacon sandwiches for breakfast and then Elliot had a bath and got ready for the funeral. Then we packed and left the Air BnB place and met Grandpa, Granny, my cousin Timothy Spencer and his girlfriend Sharon for lunch in Rowleys in Baslow next to the church where the funeral was going to be. Elliott had a cheeseburger and chips for lunch.

After lunch we went to the funeral and Elliott was very respectful and even sung along in the hymns. After the funeral we watched Uncle Jim being buried in the grave yard next to the church and then went back to Rowleys for the wake where we also saw my other cousin Victoria Spencer and her husband Pete. We left mid afternoon so we wouldn't get back too late and after we got home Elliott unpacked and had some toast for tea. After tea he got ready for bed and brushed his teeth without having a bath (as he'd had one in the morning) and then before he went to sleep he read more of his Forest School book "Where The World Ends" by Geraldine McCaughrean.

Tuesday 30 July 2019



Elliott was was very good today.


In the morning we went shopping for food and then watched most of Wonder Woman. We had chicken bites and pepperoni pizza for lunch while we watched the film.

After lunch we packed and left to stay overnight in Dronfield near Chesterfield for my Uncle Jim's funeral tomorrow. We got to the Air BnB maisonette around 7.30pm and had some bacon rolls for tea before Elliott brushed his teeth, skipped having a bath due to lateness and went to bed in his room. He read more of his Forest School book "Where The World Ends" by Geraldine McCaughrean before going to sleep.

Monday 29 July 2019

Lazy day


Elliott was was really good today.


We had a lazy day today and Elliott spent the morning in his room playing with toys and his phone. We had ham sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch we went to Sainsburys to pick up some shopping and when we got home Elliott took some photos of his Fortnight toys. He had macoroni cheese for tea before having his bath, brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. Before he went to sleep he read more of his new Forest School book "Where The World Ends" by Geraldine McCaughrean.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Truck Festival 2019


Elliott was was really good today.


In the morning after I picked Elliott up we headed to Truck Festival and picked up MacDonalds on the way for lunch. 

When we got to the Festival we met Andrea by the tent and then headed in to the Arena to watch the end of Mr Motivator. After Mr Motivator we had a look around the Festival and had some turns on the bumper cars which Elliott enjoyed:  

After the bumper cars we went back to the tent, packed up and took our belongings back to the car so we could make a quick getaway later. When we got back to the Arena we watched some of the Hot Eight Brass Band while Elliott solved his Rubix Cubes (which seemed to impress some of the teenagers dotted around us). Then Elliott had chicken and chips for tea and went on another ride:

Then we went back for more bumper cars (this time where we drove in different cars) before we headed in The Rocking Chair stage (in The Barn) to watch Barryoke (Shaun Williamson signing karaoke with people). Elliott was not overly impressed by this act:

Finally we sat at the back for the first part of Two Door Cinema's set before heading back to the car and driving home. When we got home Elliott went straight to bed after sleeping for a lot of the journey home.

Sunday 21 July 2019

The Planets


Elliott was was very good today.


In the morning after breakfast Elliott packed for leaving tomorrow and we went to the Post Office collection office to pick up Truck Festival tickets. Then we went home and had pasta with Dolmio bacon and tomato stir in sauce.

After lunch we drove to Regents Park to see Graham, Anthea and Joseph Lannoy who are over from Hong Kong and were having a picnic with other friends. Elliott enjoyed showing everyone his Rubix Cube skills and we also played football and badminton. Then we had sandwiches for tea before driving the short distance to the Royal Albert Hall where we met up with Granny and Grandpa to go to the Prom. The Prom was the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra playing John Adams "Short Ride in a Fast Machine", Samuel Barber "Violin Concerto" and Gustav Holst "The Planets". After The Prom we drove home and Elliott went straight to bed after brushing his teeth when we got in because it was late.

Saturday 20 July 2019

Pokemon Go


Elliott was really good today.


After breakfast we had a lazy morning and Elliott made a new animation. We also tried to set up a new Pokemon Go account for Elliott which took a while, but we were eventually successful with. We had toast for lunch and during lunch Elliott got a little upset because he was worried about the strictness of Secondary School but we talked about it and he seemed happier.

After lunch we went to Smyths Toy Superstar and Pokemon hunting around Green Park which was good fun. Then we had MacDonalds for tea (as our fridge has broken down but a new one is arriving tomorrow). After we got home Elliott had some more toast and then had his bath and brushed his teeth. He read more of his new Forest School book "Where The World Ends" by Geraldine McCaughrean before going to sleep.

Friday 19 July 2019

Last ever day at Hawkedon Primary School


Elliott was very good after school today. He was a bit upset when I first collected him. But he did brighten up.


After I collected Elliott from After School Club we went to the Showcase Cinema in Winnersh to watch "Spider-Man: Far From Home" which we both really enjoyed. After the film we went home and Elliott had toast and a Penguin bar for tea before Elliott had his bath and brushed his teeth. Then he read his new Forest School book "Where The World Ends" by Geraldine McCaughrean before going to sleep.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

The Rainmaker


Elliott was really good after school today. 


We had a small picnic after school today and then Elliott played with his friends in the school grounds until it was time for him to get ready for The Rainmaker play. The play was good, he was especially good as a frog and he and Josh Thornton did some really funny dancing. After the play he was pleased and we drove home and he had his bath and brushed his teeth. After he brushed his teeth he read his Spiderman graphic novel of the best Spiderman stories again before going to sleep.

Monday 15 July 2019

Spiderman graphic novel


Elliott was good after school today. 


After picking Elliott up from After School Club we went home and Elliott solved his new Rubix Cube from Marrackech and messaged friends on his new phone. Then he had ham sandwiches for tea and fig rolls before bath and brushing his teeth. After he brushed his teeth he read his Spiderman graphic novel of the best Spiderman stories before going to sleep.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Rubix Cube


Elliott was very good after school today. 


After picking Elliott up from Invasion Games we went home and Elliott practiced his Clarinet, particuarly his scales and arpeggios. Then he had ham sandwiches for tea and fig rolls before having his bath and brushing his teeth. After he brushed his teeth he spent some time learning how to solve his Rubix Cube before reading his book "Hive The Overlord Protocol" before going to sleep.

Monday 1 July 2019

Whistling Woodwind


Elliott was really good after school today. 


After picking Elliott up from school we went to MacDonalds for tea as a treat because there wasn't much time before Whistling Woodwind. Elliott had a Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Then we headed to ASDA for pudding before it was time for Whistling Woodwind which he enjoyed. After we got home he had a quick bath, brushed his teeth and then got ready for bed. He read more of his school book "Hive The Overlord Protocol" before going to sleep.
