Saturday 30 November 2019

Doctor Who


Elliott was really good today. 


In the morning, after breakfast, Elliott did his homework. He also played with Lego and games on his phone. Then we went shopping at Sainsburys. When we got back from Sainsburys he had ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch he watched some Doctor Who on his iPad and started drawing a picture of the Doctor. He also played with his Lego, did some more homework and practiced his Clarinet. We had chicken fajitas for tea and he didn't have a bath as we decided he would be better to have one after the hockey trounament tomorrow so he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of his school book "Class A" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Friday 29 November 2019

Sandwich bags


Elliott was very good after school today.


We went to the Co-Op on the way home to pick up some sandwich bags and blue food colouring so he can do his homework of creating the water cycle on a sandwich bag. After we got home he had his bath, got ready for bed and then had some ham sandwiches for tea. Then we watched "His Dark Materials" and afterwards he brushed his teeth before getting in to bed. Before going to sleep he read more of his new school book "Class A" by Robert Muchamore (the second in the Cherub series).

Monday 25 November 2019



Elliott was really good after school today.


I picked him up from Sainsburys and we went straight to his Clarinet lesson where his teacher said his playing had improved. Then we went home and he had ham sandwiches for tea and finished his X-Wing Fighter Lego build before we headed back to Whistling Woodwind. After Whistling Woodwind he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Then he showed me his excellent poem about home:


Lots of things have a home for footballs it's a dome
Bees live in trees
And Fish in a bowl while foxes in a hole
Cars in car parks slides in adventure parks
Some live in zoos to show off for you
Humans live in a house and so can a mouse
Rubbish under a matt and on the top is a cat
Nits live in hair the cave is owned by a bear
Also in the cave are bats and sewers are for rats
Follow that to the end and you'll be at the home of the fish but the table is for the dish
Everyone can agree in the crowd that all the homes stand up proud
Like an army of soldiers
Lets not forget that some live on boulders
Your home is a treasure and that's forever
So next time you come home and smell the smell of home think to yourself I'm pleased I have a home
But some are not as lucky for example a ducky
Homeless people sleep on the streets where as you may sleep under sheets
And so if you have a spare pound donate it and make yourself proud
Because your action may help someone in need
and if it does than you can think now i have less greed
And then everyone may have a home.

He read more of his new school book "Class A" by Robert Muchamore (the second in the Cherub series) before going to sleep.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Maths test


Elliott was  good after school today. He had his Maths test today and said he tried his hardest and tried his best to be neat when writing his answers.


I picked him up from the library and we went to ASDA on the way home. Then he had ham sandwiches for tea before making more of his Lego X-Wing fighter. Then he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Before he went to sleep he read more of his school book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore.

Monday 18 November 2019

Whistling Woodwind


Elliott was really good after school today and said his wrist felt better.


After picking him up from school we went straight to his Clarinet lesson where his teacher was happy but said he needs to trust himself when he reads music. Then we had pizza for tea before Whistling Woodwind. After Whistling Woodwind he had a bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of his school book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Accident and emergency


Elliott was really good today. 


After getting up and having breakfast we went to hockey training where Elliott played really well. Granny came along to watch and was impressed with how much he's developed. After hockey we went to Wokingham for lunch and Elliott had a bacon sandwich.

After lunch we went home and Elliott had a bath. Then we picked up his cycle helmet and went to the skatepark. After being a little nervous at first Elliott started skate boarding and was doing really well. The he skated down quite a steep ramp and did really well but had to jump off as the skateboard started to travel up the opposite ramp. Unfortunately after jumping off his skateboard he landed on his right wrist and hurt it. He was in quite a lot of pain so we thought it best to go to Accident and Emergency. We were there for a few hours and were seen by a nurse who gave him so pain relief, then another nurse who tested his movement, then he had an x-ray and the second nurse confirmed nothing was broken but advised he shouldn't play sport for a week and should keep taking pain relief:

After we got home he had burgers for tea and then continued building his Lego X-Wing fighter. Then he packed his school bags, brushed his teeth, got ready for bed and watched His Dark Materials. After His Dark Materials he got in to bed  read more of his school book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Arborfield Aces


Elliott was very good today. 


In the morning, after breakfast, we went to watch Jack Jenkins playing football for the Arborfield Aces. Then we headed back home and Elliott did his RE homework before we headed out to the tip to deliver an old wardrobe and some laundry baskets. We stopped at MacDonalds for lunch on the way home and Elliott had a look at Lego sets in Smyth's toy superstore.

After we got home he practiced his Clarinet for quite a long time (compared to normal) and then started rebuilding his Lego X-Wing fighter. He had macaroni cheese for tea before building some more Lego X-Wing. Then he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed and read more of his school book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Friday 15 November 2019

His Dark Materials


Elliott was good after school today and had enjoyed his Design Technology lesson at school in particular.


After picking him up we went home and watched His Dark Materials from Sunday night while he had ham sandwiches for tea. After tea he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Before he went to sleep he read more of his school book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore.

Monday 11 November 2019

Clarinet lesson


Elliott was very good after school today. He said he was a bit upset about forgetting his PE Kit earlier in the day and still isn't totally sure he won't have a detention tomorrow but thinks he'd have been told if he did. He also talked a bit about two disruptive children Jay and Owen who are now in more of his classes since the classes were re-organised so we're hoping after his tests he might be in less classes with them again, but it might be a situation to monitor.


After school we went straight to his Clarinet lesson which he said went well. Then we had ham sandwiches for tea before going to Costa Coffee in Tescos in Wokingham where he had some water. Then it was off to Whistling Woodwind, which he enjoyed, before heading home where he had a quick bath and brushed his teeth. He read more of his school book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore before going to sleep.

Sunday 10 November 2019

England verses Germany Women's football


Elliott was really today. 


After we picked him we headed to Beaconsfield Station where we met up with Graham, Harry and Jack Jenkins and then got the train to Wembley Stadium to watch England verses Germany women's football match. Everyone enjoyed the game even though Germany won and Elliott had chicken nuggets and chips for tea:

After the game we got the train back to Beaconsfield and drove home and by the time we got home it was straight to bed and sleep for Elliott after he'd brushed his teeth.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

The Recruit


Elliott was good after school today and seemed very happy to have been back and seen his friends. 


After Homework Club we went home and he watched some You Yube videos about skateboarding. We had pizza for tea and then he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He read more of his new library book "The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore which was recommended for him as it's on the accelerated reading list (rather than "Genesis Of The Daleks" by Terence Dicks which his English teacher said would be a good book to read in the holidays).

Monday 4 November 2019

Inset Day


Elliott was really good today, especially considering he didn't have much to do as I was working. 


In the morning he played his new Skateboard game and generally relaxed in his room. Then we had pasta with pepperoni sauce for tea.

After lunch we watched "Enders Game" and some toast for tea before it was time to leave for Whistling Woodwind which turned out not to be on. We turned back and drove home and he had a bath, brushed his teeth, got ready for be before reading more of "Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks" by Terence Dicks and going to sleep.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Hockey tournament


Elliott was mainly good today. He did get upset with me during and after hockey when I was trying to advise him to concentrate on the opposition free hit taker and put his stick on the ground to block the ball (as a few times during the games he was wandering away, back turned when the opposition started playing). However after he'd calmed down we talked again and he did understand the point I was making.


In the morning we went to the hockey tournament at Reading Hockey Tournament. Unfortunately it wasn't a good tournament for the boys today and they lost all their matches and were comprehensively beaten in two out of four games. They played well in the first and third games but as there were two South Berkshire teams there sharing a coach they played the second and fourth games without a coach and it showed. Elliott played quite well at times and did set up most of the goals scored and score one himself but at other times was guilty of either tying to beat the whole opposition on his own or becoming despondent. He did also say he found my encouragement off putting (i did shout when he did good things and sometimes when his head was obviously not in the game) which is why we then had a chat after about tyring to stay alert and concentrating for the whole game. He did react badly to this at first but then did listen and we talked about how difficult it can be to adjust to being one of the best players and taking on more responsibility. He had a bacon roll for lunch.

After lunch he did some cubing and then we went to Graham Jenkins house to watch the Crystal Palace verses Leicester City game and he spent most of the time playing a game on his phone. After the football we went home and he did some more cubing before we had Roast Chicken for tea with roast potatoes and also a good quantity of broccoli. After tea he practice his Clarinet before doing some more cubing, brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. Then we watched "His Dark Materials" before bed time and he did some quick reading of  "Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks" by Terence Dicks (again as this time he thinks he'll understand more of it) before going to sleep.

Saturday 2 November 2019

Star Wars


Elliott was good today. 


In the morning Elliott watched a bit of the rugby and did some more animating. He also finished his Maths homework and watched some videos about Star Wars. We had spaghetti bolognese for lunch.

After lunch we packed and got ready to go home and Elliott did some Clarinet practice and played on the piano. Then we drove back home and he played a driving game on his phone. When we got home we unpacked and he had a light tea. After he'd unpacked he got all his Star Wars toys out and played a game on his phone. We decided to save his bath for after hockey tomorrow so he brushed his teeth, got ready for bed and then read more of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway" by Jeff Kinney before going to sleep.

Friday 1 November 2019



Elliott was really good today. 


In the morning he did his Science homework with Granny building a cell out of a number of different sized boxes. He also played his driving game and relaxed with his cubes. Peter Sladen came to visit for lunch and we had rolls with cheese.

After lunch we went to Salisbury for hair cuts and he looked in The Entertainer toy shop where we found a heavily reduced Black Series Obi Wan Kinobe figure that he could afford with his pocket money. We also bought a new bag for is hockey kit. After we came home he was inspired to start a new animation and he did some Clarinet practice before he had chicken nuggets, chips and a few peas for tea. After tea he had his bath, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Then he did some more animating before reading more of  “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway" by Jeff Kinney and then going to sleep.
