Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Muppets


Elliott was well behaved today apart from getting a bit bored by shopping towards end of trip in the morning, but not surprising. However he has been putting his fingers over his ears every so often today and yesterday. I asked him if his ears hurt and he said he was just wiggling them. Will keep watching out for it.


In the morning we went shopping in Southampton - mainly for clothes for Elliott. We also had apple juice and biscuits in Marks and Spencers. He was really good about not borrowing any toys.

In the afternoon we to the cinema in Salisbury to watch The Muppets. He seemed a bit wary of the cinema at first but fortunately there was a Toy Story short before the Muppet film which really helped. He really enjoyed the film, apart from when they were singing as that was louder than the dialogue and a bit too loud. Anyway he did a lot of giggling and then at the end there was a sad bit, just before a triumphant happy ending, and he was a bit teary and cuddly and said "it's weally sad isn't it Daddy". Very cute. Walter was his favourite Muppet - he's a new Muppet only in that film. 

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Tuesday 28 February 2012



Elliott was well behaved today.


In the morning we scootered to the park in Downton with Granny and played with a soft rugby ball and on the play equipment. We also did a lot of playing with toy cars and scalextric.

In the afternoon we went to Victoria Park in Salisbury with Grandpa and practiced cycling on the Ben 10 bike as well as playing on the play equipment there. When we got home we did some playing with plasticine and watched some television. 

To see photos of today visit

Monday 27 February 2012

Waking Gruffalos


Elliott was well behaved again today.


In the morning we woke Tom (the Gruffalo) who was staying on the sofa and then played with soldiers and bubbles. After breakfast we drove to Downton and Granny and Grandpa's house.

In the afternoon we played with some of my old toys that Granny had got down from the loft, including a pretty old Transformer (Hot Rod) that he was quite taken with. We also played with a loop the loop car track he got for his birthday, quite a lot of hide and seek and did some DIY with a toy tool kit before watching some Buzz Lightyear. 

To see photos of today visit

Sunday 26 February 2012

Birthday boy


Elliott was good for the whole day, especially considering the level of excitement. 


In the morning we went to Palmer Park play cafe where we met up with Dave, Alice and Fi, plus Andrea and Granny and Grandpa. There was lots of indoor play, before a cake with candles and a rendition of Happy Birthday. Then Granny and Grandpa gave Elliott their present - a Ben 10 bike with stabilisers - and then Elliott rode around the park and played on the play equipment with Alice and Fi

At lunchtime Dave, Alice and Fi went home and the rest of us went to Ask for lunch and Elliott was really well behaved. Then it was off to The Hexagon for The Gruffalo stage show which was really good - lots of extra bits to the book and some dancing and singing. He was a bit shy at first, but really got into it and was engaging with what was going on and all the prompts, etc from the stage. It was about an hour long and he did get a bit restless just before the end, but only briefly and he found lots of it really funny. After The Gruffalo Granny and Grandpa went home and we went back home for some play time with new presents - some cars / DVDs / books / toy soldiers / bucketful of dinosaurs / bubbles. He was really well behaved and had lots of fun. Tom also turned up just as Andrea left as he was in town covering the rugby, so Elliott got to play with a real life Gruffalo before bath time!

To see photos of today visit

Monday 20 February 2012

Poorly boy


Elliott was sick twice during the morning, though imbetween bouts he seemed quite happy. After being sick the second time he said he felt much better and asked for something to eat. So I gave him some dry Shreddies and he kept these down and so we had some more for tea as well. He was really good all day.


We spent all day in the house watching television, playing Sonic racing and playing with toys. We did venture out to the shop to get some toilet rolls late afternoon and I think he enjoyed a change of scene as by that time he seemed much better. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Rivermead swimming


Elliott was good for all the day except for when it was bath time. He procrastinated a lot, and then basically threw a huge strop which finished with him being really worked up. I stayed calm but firm that it was bath time and after he started really getting frustrated and crying and stepped out of the room for a bit but kept an eye on him. In the end I came back in and gave him some cuddles and after he calmed down he was totally fine and got on with things. 


More playing, reading and colouring in the house in the morning. More trains and a bit of Sonic, though he managed to delete his licence on my iPhone as well so was a bit frustrated at lack of car choice, but seemed to understand when I explained he needed to race more to be able to afford to unlock the cars again. Bit more Ben 10 as well, but managed to switch him to Octonauts in the evening (for my sanity more than anything!)

In the afternoon we went to Rivermead for swimming for a change. It was really good there, not sure if it was because it's half term but they had lots of floats out and some balls as well. He was a bit nervous at first as it was really busy, but once we got in he warmed up and he really enjoyed playing catch in the pool and was giggling loads and loads. They also had a little slide he went down loads. We did a little bit of "proper" swimming and he was trying breast stroke arms a little bit, but mainly doggy paddle.

To see photos of today visit

Sunday 12 February 2012

Palmer Park


Elliott was good for all the day. 


In the morning we played at home. We did some brio trains, some reading and letter recognition, some colouring in (though this wasn't hugely successful), some playing with dinosaurs and some Ben 10 watching (series 1).

In the afternoon we went to Palmer Park for some scootering and playing on the play equipment. By chance we also discovered there was a really nice little play cafe in the park which was brilliant. There were lots of other children there as there was a birthday part but he got over any shyness really quickly and had a great time playing and socialising. There weren't that many toys, but there were enough and also lots of costumes so he dressed up as Buzz Lightyear with some great photo opportunities with Buttons.

To see photos of today visit

Saturday 11 February 2012

Oxford castle


Elliott was good for all the day apart from putting his coat on before we went out to the Station. He kept taking his coat off and not wanting to wear it, so we went back to the house for a time out in the end and then he was fine after that (missed our the train we were hoping to get though). 

We also have Buttons the Bear from pre-school this weekend again, so that's good fun.


In the morning we went to big Tescos to do some shopping and look at some potential birthday presents. He was really good and we had quite a lot of fun choosing things.

After lunch we went on the train to Oxford with Andrea (who we met on the way to the station) for the afternoon. Apart from being silly about wearing his coat on the way to the station he was really good - he was a bit shy at first but soon warmed up. He really enjoyed the train ride and when we got to Oxford we had some tea and cake in a cafe by the castle there. Then we had a quick look at the castle before we wandered around Oxford popping in to some toy and book shops, etc. 

To see photos of today visit

Monday 6 February 2012

Relaxing day


Elliott was really good all day. 


We spent the morning playing in the house. We did some Sonic, some playing with cars and some watching television.  

After lunch we went into Reading for a nose about and to look at potential Birthday presents. This was good fun and he was really well behaved.
