Tuesday 29 April 2014

First Stage 2 swimming lesson


Elliott was good after school and had pizza for lunch time.


We went to his first Stage 2 swimming lesson after school and he was nervous at first but enjoyed it. After we got home we did his homework - maths based on graphs - and after a slow start he did it very well and very independently. He also went to bed very nicely and did some good reading of a Lego Movie book before bed.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Day


Elliott was a little grumpy in the morning today and stroppy but this did pass and he was good for the rest of the day.


In the morning we had a lazy time before popping in to the end of the Easter Day service at the Cathedral to see Granny and Grandpa. Then we headed home for a bit Easter roast chicken meal during which he had some broccoli before a pudding of chocolate egg.

After lunch we watched some iPad before driving back to Wokingham and a good evening bath and bed time. 

Saturday 19 April 2014

Harry Higgins's party


Elliott was really good today. He did have one very brief moment during Harry's party when he was upset but that seemed par for the course with so much excitement.


In the morning we went to see the Sladens and Elliott had a really good time playing with Charlie. He did some indoor playing  including a game called dart tag (firing Nerf guns at each other):

And he did some outdoor playing involving football and swingball:

After a lunch of sausage and mash it was off to Harry Higgins's party at Amesbury leisure centre. This was good fun and everyone seemed to have a good time. It started off with a bouncy castle and various sporting activities in the gym (hula hoops, footballs, etc), culminating in playing with a parachute. Then it was upstairs for party food and finally party games. Elliott did really well in musical statues and won the game and a prize (Angry Birds Star Wars colouring in kit):

After the party we went back to Granny and Grandpas for some television, tea and some really good reading. 

Friday 18 April 2014

Bucklers Hard


Elliott was really good today.


Today we went on an outing with Granny and Grandpa to Bucklers Hard. It was nice weather and we had a good day. We started off looking at the museum and Elliott was engaged by the models of ships, a recreation of a ship builder's pub with wax works and a computer game where you had to get a ship ready to sail. After the museum we had a picnic lunch.

After lunch we went for a boat ride up and down the river which we all enjoyed:

Then we looked around some of the preserved cottages there and followed the woodland walk before we finished off our visit at the gift shop where we bought a pirates telescope for Elliott and had some tea:

After we got home we had chicken nuggets for tea. 

Thursday 17 April 2014

Flower pot painting


Elliott was good for all of today.


In the morning we watched some Ben 10 and then we pained 2 flower pots using a flower pot painting kit I gave him for his birthday. He did this really well and concentrated very hard. We've given one to Granny for Easter and are going to plant a sunflower in it.

After lunch we drove to Granny and Grandpa's house and stopped in the New Forest on the way to have a look at the horses and run around. After we got to Granny and Grandpa's Elliott was very good and eat his spaghetti bolognese tea really well. 

Wednesday 16 April 2014



Elliott was good today although he did get upset when we left The Look Out. I'm going to give his Lego Jedi Interceptor back tomorrow morning if he's good for the first few hours.


In the morning we went to The Look Out where we went for a walk, had some elevenses and then played on the equipment. Elliott was pretending to be various Ben 10 aliens while we went for our walk which was really good fun:

After The Look Out we had pizza for lunch before we nipped in to town to get hair cuts. When we got home we wrapped up Harry Higgin's birthday present and Elliott did some really good writing on his card - it's Harry Higgin's birthday party on Saturday and as we're down visiting Granny and Grandpa we'll be able to go. After tea he did some reading and some Ben 10 watching.

Tuesday 15 April 2014



Elliott was good for most of today but just with one moment again. Today it was mid-afternoon when we popped in to town and he got very silly about taking the car to drive in rather than walking. When we got home because he hadn't improved his behaviour I took away his Lego Jedi Interceptor (as warned clearly 3 times) and then he got quite upset. When he'd calmed down we had a chat and he explained very well why his behaviour had been silly and also understood that to get his Lego Jedi Interceptor bad he had to behave better. Fortunately he then did and was brilliant over tea (spaghetti Bolognese), sitting at the table and eating and talking very nicely.


In the morning we went to Bracknell Odeon for Kid's Club. The film on was Frozen which we all enjoyed and he seemed to like even though he'd seen it before with you and declared it a "girl's film" (I watched him watching quite a lot and he seemed very engaged).

After lunch we played some football and catching games outside for an hour or so before we popped in to town and he became silly. After tea he did some really good reading and we also had a look at some "tell-the-time" cards I've got. He did pretty well with telling the time (especially the digital clock examples) and I think he might be learning about it at school.

Monday 14 April 2014

Lego Mixel


Elliott was good for most of today. We did have a moment just before tea when he rest his head on the table and wouldn't life it up when asked. So I sent him to his room and he got very upset and needed calming down. We did have a chat later after tea and he understood that resting his head on the table wasn't good table manners and why he'd been sent to his room so hopefully tomorrow's meal will go better.   


In the morning we watched some Ben 10 and played with his new Lego Mixel. After we'd got dressed we went food shopping and he was really good before we came home for lunch (which was rolls).

After lunch I had to go to work for something so Elliott and Andrea went to Dinton Pastures with their bikes and rode around the lake. It sounds like everyone had a good time and they bumped into Max from NCT as well (and came back with some new stones for his stone collection). We had sausage and mash for tea and then he did some really good reading after bath time at bed time.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Horrible Histories


Elliott was really good after you dropped him off and had his bath and went to bed nicely.   


We looked at the new Star Wars magazines that had come for his Star Wars magazine collection, looked at a 3-D postcard of Uranus Granny had sent us and watched a Horrible Histories about sports.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Pat yourself on the back


After school today Mrs Parfitt asked to have a quick chat. She said that Elliott had been upset 4 times today and that one time she thought he might have had a mild panic attack. He also had a bump on his cheek by his eye where he'd clashed with Sami at lunch time - but this was an accident. Mrs Parfitt said he'd been upset because Adam, Charlie and Marley were playing a game of Stuck In The Mud and Elliott wanted to play a different game and thought it was his turn. She also said they've been monitoring them taking turns at different games to stop upset, though she didn't seem to know whose turn the game should have been. I told her that we'd heard some talk of game choices and it being unfair. She said that he'd also been a bit restless the day before and was a bit un-engaged doing Maths today but that he'd written a really good story. She said she was going to send home some handwriting practice for the Easter holidays as good as the story was she was still finding it difficult to read. She also said that Mrs Dawson, a new teaching assistant, had walked him around the playground later in the day when he'd been upset and that this was when they wondered if he'd had a mild panic attack as he had got very worked up and was then yawning at the end as he calmed down, which is apparently a sign of regulating oxygen after something like a panic attack. Mrs Parfitt said that they'd been teaching him breathing exercises to help calm down. Afterwards in the car we had a chat and Elliott showed me his breathing exercise and we talked about him being upset and a bit distracted. He seemed totally fine. The final thing Mrs Parfitt told me about was a new initiative called "give yourself a pat on the back", which is a little leaflet they've given Elliott to write each day things that make him proud. This was mentioned in his reading record book, but I must admit I didn't see this at the weekend as I've basically stopped looking in it as there hasn't seemed to be much communication recently through that method. Anyway the leaflet was in his book bag today so we've been having a look at it and talking about good things.    


Swimming today was the last session of term (and of Stage 1 for Elliott), so they all messed around with floats and balls and had a lot of fun. After we got home he changed in to his Batman suit again and we watched some Batman cartoons before having a look together at the "give yourself a pat on the back" leaflet. Then we had muffins for tea and he did excellent bedtime reading.
