Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter Day


Elliott was good for most of today, although he got silly about wanting a new toy early in the day. 


In the morning we had a lazy time and popped in to the end of the Easter Day service in Salisbury Cathedral to see Granny. We had an Easter cake here which he enjoyed. 

After lunch we played with some old space toys that I had when I was younger which he really enjoyed. We also had a chocolate bunny for Easter and did lots of playing. 

To see photos of today visit

Saturday 30 March 2013

Salisbury football training


Elliott was good today and eat his roast lamb lunch very well - at least the potatoes and the meat.  


In the morning we went to the beach with Granny which was good fun if a little bracing. We did scootering, built some sandcastles and played in a playground by the beach front. . 

After lunch we met up with Harry and Bertie Higgins in the park by the leisure centre in Salisbury. He played really nicely with Harry and then they went to the leisure centre for indoor football training together - very similar to the Woodley training, except indoors. We borrowed a spare pair of shin pads from Harry Higgins and Elliott was really good and sociable and didn't get upset during the game at the end at all. He did fall over and get upset briefly at one point, but it was a hard surface and other than that it was very successful.

To see photos of today visit

Friday 29 March 2013



Elliott was really good today. 


We travelled down to Downton in the morning as we're staying with Granny and Grandpa for Easter weekend.    

After a fish finger lunch we went shopping for new socks for Elliott and also he bought a new Transformer toy with his pocket money. When we got home again we spent the time playing with Transformers and watching some television.

Monday 25 March 2013

New poster


Elliott got 4 stamps today and was really good after school, if a little tired. He did knock his back getting out of the bath and was quite upset for a small time.


We went shopping for a new poster for his room after school as his Sonic one had given up the ghost recently - he chose a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster unsurprisingly. When we got home we played with transformers and he had a good pasta with bolognese sauce tea.

Friday 22 March 2013

Helping at school


Spending the morning at school was really good and very interesting. For register they all sat on the carpet and Miss Biscoe also explained what they were gonig to do during the day and did some maths based on who was having hot dinners / packed lunches and how many children were there (as Cody was ill). After register they all did some handwriting practice in books at tables, copying cursive ys and zs. Elliott was good at the y, but took a little longer to get z working, but he got there. When they finished that they sat on the carpet again reading a book while they waited for everyone to finish handwriting practice. Next they did some phonics which involved a change of teacher and different groupings. So instead of being done by class they split them by animal and all the ladybirds got together with Elliott and sat on the carpet in Miss Biscoe's classroom. Another teacher then came in and using the laptop onto a projector they used an animation to learn about "ee" sounds. This involved taking turns to press the screen to identify images of words with "ee" sounds in them (e.g. sheep, jeep, etc). After this finished they all got back into their classes again and then they moved to a next door classroom with Biscoe to find out what their "job" for the mornnign was. This was making fossils. They all sat on the carpet and listened as Miss Biscoe explained what fossils were and showed them some fossils another teacher had brought in. Then they all went in to the central area between the classrooms where they sat at tables and "made a fossil". They did this by flattening out a piece of clay, writing their name in it on the back and then pressing plants and toy dinosaurs against the clay to leave an imprint. I helped Elliott's table with this, though Elliott didn't need much help. After this it was child initiated time and Elliott played with Marley and Adam with some toys. I helped show any children interested more of the fossils that had been brought in and Elliott, Marley, Adam and Charlie all got involved with this and we talked about how the fossils were of animals from a "long, long, long, long time ago". After this Elliott went outside and was playing on the play equipment in his wellies and coat with lots of different children including Marley and Tahlia. At the end of playtime they all changed back into shoes and lined up in classes with their fingers on their mouths and their other hand with a finger pointing in the air to show they were ready. Then they went back inside and the morning finished with a lesson about 3D shapes. They all sat on the carpet again and Miss Biscoe showed them cones, cylinders, spheres and cuboids and examples of how their used in real life (e.g. a pritt-stick). This finished with the children splitting into 3 groups to do 3D shape based activities. One group sat with Miss Davidson to look at more examples, one group sat at chairs and tables with Miss Biscoe to do a written exercise and one group, including Elliott, sat at another table and chairs and did an independent colouring exercise based on the 3D shapes with me helping. 

Wednesday 20 March 2013



Elliott got 3 stamps today and unfortunately his book reported that he had kicked a year 6 pupil at lunch time. We had a chat about this and he said that he was attacked but I emphasised if he was it was better to tell the teacher than respond.


We finally built his mega Hexbugs elevation track that he got for his birthday tonight and we had a lot of fun with that. Miss Biscoe has written in his book that something we could do from home is helping him spell out and write down words in response to your question, but he wasn't in the mood to do that tonight. However we did have a really good reading session before bed and he did really well eating his spaghetti bolognese.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Emily's party


Elliott was good today for most of today. However he was quite hyper after Emily's party - there was a lot of sweets and chocolate, etc, though he did eat his sandwiches. Because of this we had a time out in the evening during tea as he wanted to take his toys to the table and was silly when I said no. He calmed down quickly though and was aware of why he was having a time out. 


We went to football at Goals in Woodley in the morning. This was really good. There were 2 boys coaching 7 boys including Elliott and one of the boy's Dads who is big in the football club I think. The coaching boys were really good and both studying GCSE sports so coaching the little ones in part of that. They did about 45 minutes of skills and practice and then at the end there was a little game, before we stayed behind with Adam and his Dad for a little bit more of a kickaround. I watched from the side with the other parents who were friendly. Elliott really enjoyed himself although he did get a little upset that his team lost in the game, and that he wasn't passed the ball more, but I think that'll sort itself out with time. He was definitely upset when it was time to go. .

After lunch we went to Emily's party in Hungerford and Max, Euan and Alex were all there from NCT. There was a magician called Magic MIke who did about an hour of comedy and magic which they all seemed to realloy enjoy - Elliott was giggling a lot. Then it was time for food before some party games, including musical statues which he really enjoyed. He haqd a really good time again I think, just too much junk food, but this is parties for you!

To see photos of today visit

Saturday 16 March 2013

Easter Fayre


Elliott was good today. The only slight bit of bad behaviour was at the end of the Easter Fayre when he took a long time to leave the bouncey castle and I had to ask him a number of times, but that was understandable given it had become stay on as long as you want by that time.


We went shopping and to the tip in the morning. We got a new little transformer Knock Out with half his pocket money from the last 2 weks and also some shin pads and football socks. We tried on some little astro trainers but they didn't have the cheapest variety in his size (12) so I decided to wait and see if he enjoys football tomorrow before buying astro trainers. We also did some food shopping and he was really helpful and good. 

After lunch we went to Hawkedon for the Easter Fayre with Andrea and Andrea's Mum. This was good fun and Charlie and Adam were there. I also helped out on a stall for a while and he was well behaved while he went round the Fayre with Andrea and her Mum. He even got his face painted as Raphael the Ninja Turtle after lots of encouragement from Charlie and Andrea - and it was Miss Biscoe who painted his face. He did lost of playing and running around there as well.

To see photos of today visit

Friday 15 March 2013

The day after this day


Elliott was really good today and had got 4 stamps at school. He did begin by talking a lot about his treat for a good week but agreed to wait until "the day after this day" (or tomorrow as we've been practicing) to go shopping with his pocket money and stopped mentioning toys nicely.


We had a lazy evening plyaing. We also had a nice pizza tea. He even helped me put the cold pizza on the baking tray. 

Monday 11 March 2013

Counting ladybirds


Elliott was really good today and had got 5 stamps at school. During his pasta tea he told us lots about school and how he's a helper at the moment.


We played with Ninja Turtles and lego. We also did some counting based on a ladybird exercise he'd done a school today.

Wednesday 6 March 2013



Elliott was mainly good after school today, although he did demand a toy treat at one point due to his stamp performance this week, but I ignored him and after he'd calmed down we talked about how treats can't always be toys.


We tried on Elliott's new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume for world book day at school tomorrow and had fun playing Ninja Turtles.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Rubbish tip


Elliott was good for all of today, though I did do a lot of chatting with him about why certain things (jumping, throwing, etc) were dangerous / not good. He was really responsive to the chats.


During the morning we went to the tip and shopping. He enjoyed seeing the men working at the tip.    

In the afternoon we went to The Look Out and ran around in the play parks outside, as well as going for a walk in the forest where we watched people climbing around trees on the Go Ape course. We had roast lamb for tea and he ate his roast lamb and roast potatoes, but when he came across a roast parsnip (disguised as a potato) he did notice and didn't like it!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Monkey Mates birthday party


Elliott was good for all of today although I think he might have been a bit nervous before his party.


The morning was the Monkey Mates birthday party.  

After the party Harry Higgins and Harry Jenkins came to visit with baby Jack and their respective parents apart from Lara - there was lots of fun and we opened all the presents. He had lots of very generous presents inlcuding some more ninja turtles, some lego (Star Wars and Ninjago), some books, some toy animals and even a remote control

To see photos of today visit

Friday 1 March 2013

More birthday presents

Elliott was really good after school today. He was a bit upset when I picked him up after school as he had accidentally cut Marley with scissors, but we hung around in the playground for a bit and Marley came over and he soon cheered up.


We opened the remaining presents for his birtday and some cards that had come since his birthday - we didn't open them all before school on his birthday as he couldn't play with them all before school. These included another ninja turtle, Ben 10 DVDs, a space rocket and a Star Wars cartoon duvet cover. We then played with toys and did some reading before bed. 
