Monday, 9 May 2011

Coral Reef


Elliott woke at 7am.

He had no nap at all today, though he did go upstairs for a rest after lunch, however he didn't sleep.

He went to bed at 7.30pm and went to sleep quickly.


Elliott had Weetos for breakfast.

He had fish fingers, potatoes and beans for lunch with a yoghurt pudding.

He had toast for tea.

He had a biscuit for a snack in the afternoon and a little bit of a reduced chocolate Ben 10 Easter Egg I found for a snack in tea, but only about a quarter of an egg. 


He had one wet accident in the park today and his poo was in his pants unfortunately.


He was good overall today, but towards the end of the day he was a little over tired I think, which led to a little manicness and some mood swings (one minutes giggling a lot, the next being quite upset about something innocuous - e.g. the bridge on his train track falling over). Because he seemed over tired I basically went for a really calm atmosphere with lots of chilling out watching Thomas and reading stories which seemed to calm him down.


We wernt swimming in the morning which ended up being Coral Reef as we missed toddler swim in the Reading central pool. Coral Reef was brilliant, though again I think you must have been with him because he was talking about that and recognised it? Anyway I bought him some arm bands myself because I'd forgotten to ask you (not that they're particularly expensive) and he had a great time - apart from being a bit scared of the showery features. Plus the water there seems a bit warmer than the Wokingham pool we're used to which was really good.

After lunch we went to a park in Caversham for a bit where unfortunately the wet accident happened. But we changed clothes and carried on!

Before bed we did trains and tracks again (he really seems into Thomas at the moment) and also some musical instruments. But this was around the time he became a little frantic so we changed to more relaxing activities like watching Thomas and reading Thomas stories.

To see photos of today visit

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