Elliott had some difficult moments today, including one moment where he got very would up and worked himself up a lot (to do with a toy swap that hadn't worked out how he wanted it to). I'm not sure quite why things were worse today and tried finding reasons, but in the end I guess it's best to put it down as a bad day and move on. When he was being difficult I tried to explain whatever the problem was and remind him that being silly didn't get him anywhere. I also had a brief chat with him about it before bed but he didn't seem in the mood.
In the morning we went to visit Peter, Charlie and Alice Sladen at their house, where Al from the old, old band and his son Zach were. We all headed out to the park and played scootering and football. in general Elliott seemed to have a good time but he did get upset a few times about footballs not being passed. After we went back to the Sladens he wanted to swap a coloured stone he has (crystal) for a toy with Charlie but the swap being proposed wasn't ok for Charlie and this is when he had a big melt down - the Sladens were off somewhere else in a hurry anyway so we went to the car to try and calm down before moving the car to a park.
Once he had calmed down we scootered down the town path to Elizabeth Gardens for a pic nic lunch with Granny. He even had an ice cream (a "nobbly bobbly"?), although he still wasn't that keen on the actual ice cream underneath the hundreds and thousands coating. Then we went to the shoe shop where he was really good and tried on 2 pairs of shoes after being measured, before settling on the shoes that had toys stored in the heels. After that we went to look at the toyshop before heading home for a sausage and mash tea which he eat well. I got him into bed a little early in case triedness had played a factor in the bad behaviour during the day.
To see photos of today visit
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