Sunday, 30 January 2011

Art installation


Elliott woke at 6.30am this morning.

He got through the day with no nap at all and he didn't seem like he needed one.

He went to bed at 7pm and fell asleep pretty quickly!


Elliott had Special K oats mix for breakfast.

He had roast chicken, roast potatoes, new potatoes, broccoli and carrots for lunch with a biscuit for pudding. He eat his roast really well (apart from the carrots) - although there were some issues getting him to sit down for his lunch initially.

For tea he had toast with a yoghurt pudding.

He had some marmalade cake around 4pm as a snack.


Elliott had 2 "dirty" nappies in the morning quite close to each other. They were both quite runny as well.

He sat on the toilet well during nappy changes and today he did a wee in the toilet both before his bath and straight after. He also pulled out a few pieces of toilet roll after each wee and then put it in the toilet after he'd finished but before he flushed. 


Elliott was generally well behaved today but he was very difficult around lunch time with no warning. He suddenly decided that he really didn't want lunch even though he'd been given plenty of warning ("10 minutes until lunch", etc). He then threw a tantrum including collapsing on the floor very dramatically upset. I ignored this (though discreetly made sure he wasn't banging his head on the floor or similar). After a few minutes he calmed down a bit, though still refused to have lunch. So I gave him a time out and after that he eventually sat down and then eat his lunch with no problems at all. After lunch, however, I explained again when he had been badly behaved and he apologised this time. 


We spent the first part of the day playing with various toys and generally having fun with balls, controlled running, etc.

Then we went to Sailsbury for a while where we looked at possible birthday presents for Elliott. We also dropped in on Granny very briefly in the Cathedral to say hello - and there was an art installation of lots of bottles of water in lots of racks so we had some fun looking at this.

After lunch he did some counting practice going up and down the stairs, he watched some Peppa Pig, he played with castles with me (a lot), we read some Thomas stories, he did some jigsaw puzzles (very independently) and there was lots of imaginative play centred around cake, ice cream and bedtimes for various teddy bears, etc.

He also spent 15 minutes watching and joining in with Grandpa playing the piano.

He also helped me to test and fit a new bigger car seat I've got for him ready for our journey back to Wokingham tomorrow.

To see photos of today visit

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