Monday, 24 January 2011



Elliott did have a quick nap in the end around 2pm as he was quite worn out from swimming in the morning. However I kept this nap to only 40 minutes so that it wouldn't be disruptive keeping to his earlier bed time.

He went to bed at 7.15pm with no problems.


Elliott had bran flakes for breakfast.

He had fish fingers, toast, and peas (not very many) for lunch with a yoghurt pudding and got on with eating straight away.

For tea he had crumpets and I tried pieces of cut up apple but he was not interested.

He had a few fig roll biscuits during the day.


Elliott had 1 "dirty" nappy in the morning.

He sat on the toilet well during nappy changes and before bath time - and he did a clear, quite long wee before bathtime. He was also playing with the toilet paper so I explained it was for wiping his bum after pooing - which he said straight back though not sure he really understood.  


No time outs needed today and he was really good overall.


After breakfast and some building and playing with train tracks we went swimming in Carnival Pool. This went really well and Elliott wanted to stay in for about an hour. We did some actual swimming with me holding him underneath - and during this he was kicking his legs when he was on his front and his back. We did some water sliding on the little elephant water slide. And because it was toddler swim time we also had some fun splashing around with a watering can (and at one point Elliott watered the elephant water slide). Anyway he seemed really comfortable in the water and there was lots of giggling (especially with the watering can) - and he was pretty exhausted by the time we got home for lunch.

After lunch and his short nap we went out to look around the shops a little and go to the park. He was really well behaved for this and this was really good fun.

Then it was back for a an episode of Charlie and Lola before some Gruffalo card recognition, cars and indoor football, chasing, etc.

Again lots of really imaginative play today including pretend phone calls, lots of pretend food handed over and some story telling scenarios when we were playing with trains and cars.

No photos from today this time mainly because only swimming ones would be interesting but they're not allowed.

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