Tuesday 16 June 2015



Elliott was pretty good after school today although he did try and draw out bed time for quite a long time. I ended up having to tell him off to try and motivate him and he got quite upset, but after he calmed down we talked about why taking a long time to get ready for bed isn't a good thing for the sleep he need. He also said he'd found maths hard again today but we talked about trying his best and practicing and he also pointed out himself that he finds literacy much easier than lots of his friends who find maths easier than him. 


After school we went straight to swimming and he said he enjoyed himself. After we got home we had lots of different kinds of GoGo battles. Then he helped me do some exercises and we had tea. He didn't need a bath as he had a shower after swimming so then he read some of his school books and then when I asked him to put his pyjamas on he started taking a long time to take toys back in to his room, etc. After everything had calmed down I read him another chapter from his latest Jack Stalwart book and then it was time for bed.

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