Monday 8 June 2015

Sonic racing


Elliott was good after school today. However when I picked him up from athletics he told me athletics next week was cancelled. So I went to confirm with the man who runs it and he said it was on, but he was going to have a chat with Mr O'Shea because all the children had been misbehaving and being silly at today's session, instead of enjoying trying long jump. He seemed quite annoyed. I did ask Elliott and he said he'd talked to Harry in the queue for the jump and they'd all played some of their break time games. So we had a chat about when to play and when not to. Hopefully all will be better at next week's session.


After I picked him up we went to ASDA for tea where Elliott had ham sandwiches and some children's crisps. Then it was off to football training where they played running games which Elliott did really well in, before having a game. He did well in the game but there were quite a lot of them per side so it was a bit crowded. After football it was home for a quick bath and then bed time after a head to head race on Sonic racing - he used the iPad and I used the iPhone.

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