Monday 22 June 2015

Football training in the garden


Elliott was really good after school today and it sounded like he'd had a good day with his friends in the end. He also said that he and Harry Smith had controlled the weather and decided it should be sunny in the end. He seemed less tired today and stayed asleep this morning until I woke him up at 7.10am.


Pick up was earlier than expected as athletics was cancelled following the rain. This was a shame as the weather was nice by the time school finished and Elliott wanted to do athletics. After we got home we watched some Wallace and Grommit before Elliott did his homework for this week. This was adding -ing to the end of words and deciding whether the word just needed an -ing, or whether an e should be deleted first (e.g. "hoping") or whether the last letter needed doubling (e.g. "winning"). He did pretty well with this, although I did help him a bit. After his homework he had some toast for tea and then we went out to the flat's garden and did some football training of our own to make up for having a break from Woodley Wanderer football training. We practiced using left foot and goalkeeping and he did really well. After football training we had a leisurely bath and then he read his school book "Trouble in the Rockies", before I read him another chapter of his Jack Stalwart book while he was in bed. 

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