Saturday 13 June 2015

Roller skating


Elliott was really good today. 


In the morning we went to football and although he told me in the car he didn't want to play in defence because it was boring I thought he played really well in defence in the first half. He seemed worried in the car that if they asked him to play there he'd have forgotten what to do so I was quite glad he did play there for a while as afterwards we could talk about how things don't get forgotten once they've been learned. He was good in the second half too I thought and I thought all the Panthers played really well. After we got home we had hamburgers for lunch and Elliott had some Magnum ice cream for pudding as he told me he now likes ice cream. He didn't finish all of the ice cream but he did enjoy what he had.

After lunch we had a lazy afternoon and he played some Minecraft on the iPad and played with lots of toys. We also went out to practice roller skating and he was a bit more confident skating again. We had bagels for tea and then after bath time he read some of his school book "Riding the Waves" before watching a Thunderbirds Are Go and then finally I read him another chapter of the current Jack Stalwart book before it was time for bed.

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