Tuesday 9 June 2015

Underwater somersault


I think Elliott was quite tired after yesterday as he didn't wake up before 7am and I had to wake him up. After school he was a little upset when I first collected him as he'd lost a gold GoGo in the playground at lunch time while playing. He didn't get as upset as he can get and calmed down quite quickly though. After that he was a bit restless after swimming, but we had a chat about behaving better and I linked it to Mrs Davies talking to me about his gang being a bit silly during athletics and he was really well behaved afterwards. I told him that I wasn't cross or angry but I wanted him to try harder to be well behaved at school even when it was boring and he was waiting around to do things. We also talked about how if his friends in the gang are being silly he doesn't have to join in. He had sweet chicken for lunch. 


He enjoyed his swimming lesson straight after school as there was lots of swimming on his front which he says he prefers, and during free time at the end he did an underwater somersault without any water going up his nose. After swimming we came home and he watched some Thunderbirds before we raced against each other on Sonic racing again. He had toast for tea before then reading his school books to himself. Then we had one more race before it was time for bed. 

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