Tuesday 30 June 2015

Stampy Cat


Elliott was good after school today. He had won some Cadburys Buttons in a gymnastic competition and so he was in good spirits. He did get a bit grouchy after tea but I think this was the heat and he cheered up after having some quiet time in his room. 


We went swimming after school and after the lesson this week he decided to try a white chocolate Magnum. He eat a decent amount but couldn't finish it. Then he had some toast for tea and after tea he watched some Stampy Cat explaining Minecraft on the iPad before doing his homework (which was to separate words that make 2 words like "goldfish", and to make smaller words out of "caterpillar", which he made 10 words from). Then he got changed into pyjamas for bed and he did lots of reading of his school book "Small Bad Wolf", which he finished, and his new school book "Algy's Amazing Adventures in the Arctic", which he started and is quite long. The he got into bed and I read him another chapter of his Jack Stalwart book.

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