Saturday 25 July 2015

Fixing The Whole


Elliott was good again today. He did get upset at one point when he was playing as he was frustrated that his toys weren't fitting together, but he soon solved the problem himself and cheered up.


Because we hadn't had time last night Elliott had a bath first thing in the morning today. Then we had a lazy morning up until elevenses and then after elevenses we started filming a short film that we're making for the BBC Well Done U competition. We made up a story together called "fixing the whole" about a toy robot that breaks and how it can only be fixed by a very thorough process using lots of different things (science, engineering, exercise, etc) as advised by a mysterious voice on a phone helpline that turns out to be Elliott. Before lunch we filmed all the scenes Elliott starred in and then we had sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch we filmed all the scenes that either we're both in, I'm in or no-one is in and Elliott helped with the filming and focusing shots, etc. He also did some playing imbetween the filming. Then we played some badminton in the garden before we had chicken fajitas for tea. Even though he'd had a bath at the beginning of the day Elliott asked to have another after tea. Finally we read another chapter of the Jack Stalwart book together before bed time and practiced telling the time.

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