Sunday 19 July 2015

Goodbye Truck Festival


Elliott was really good again today. He had a good night's sleep at Truck Festival in the tent. We were woken up at about 2am by some particularly enthusiastic singing of Blur's "Song 2" which was playing in a disco somewhere, but he went straight back to sleep and then woke up properly at about 6.45am. He didn't need to go to the toilet during the night either, after we made sure he didn't drink much before bed time and went to the toilet just before going to sleep. 


After we woke up we got up and explored the damp festival site. We were amongst the first awake and we played some football in the empty field with the Steward helping out. After about half an hour the breakfast tent opened and we shared a bacon bap for breakfast before playing more football and then running back to the tents where Harry Jenkins and Andrea were now awake. The boys played together while Andrea went to get breakfast for her and Harry and then we packed everything up. Elliott and Harry were very helpful and helped carry our equipment back to the car as well. Once the car was packed we headed off stopping at Costa Coffee for a ham and cheese toastie and apple juice before dropping Harry off at his house. Elliott, Harry and Jack Jenkins went to a nearby park for 20 minutes before we left and then we collected his school bag, stopped at Sainsburys for some shopping before finally making it home.

After some toast for lunch we unpacked and Elliott played with his mini Star Wars figures and his Ben 10 boat. Then we watched some Deadly 60 together before heading over to pick up his PE kit, football kit and school shoes. After we got back home Elliott played badminton with Andrea while I cooked chicken fajitas for tea. Then we filmed a quick Star Wars story (part one of three parts) using his mini Star Wars figures before bath and bed time.

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