Friday 24 July 2015



Elliott was good today, especially considering there was a lot of excitement with Harry and Bertie Higgins. 


In the morning we met up with Matt, Harry and Bertie Higgins in Outburst. We started with a game of bowling and then the boys played in the soft play equipment. Before we left they also had a go on the Pac-Man and pinball games machines. Then we set off for Andover cinema stopping at Amesbury for a MacDonalds lunch on the way (Elliott had a chicken nuggets happy meal).

After lunch we drove to Andover cinema where we watched the Minions film with some sweets which everyone enjoyed. After Minions we said our goodbyes and headed home to Granny and Grandpas house for some fish and chips for tea and we read another chapter of the Jack Stalwart book together before Elliott watched some iPad just before bed time.

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