Monday 6 July 2015

Woodford Park


Elliott was good after school today and the athletics coach said behaviour during after school athletics club had really improved.


After athletics we went to Woodford Park where we had a ham and cheese roll and bear fruit for tea and Elliott played on the play equipment before we headed to football training. They split in to 4 teams at training and played a mini-tournament to prepare for Saturday's tournament. In the first game Elliott played in goal and in the second he played on the right wing, but in both games he seemed a bit disengaged and lackadaisical. However in the third game Jackdip put him up front and he got more involved and scored a goal with a long range shot. He also did a really good turn and dribbled in to the penalty area before shooting well, but unfortunately straight at Finn in goal. After football it was straight home for a quick bath and then bed time.

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