Sunday 5 July 2015

Harry Smith's birthday party


Elliott was mainly good today although after the party he got a little niggley. However his party bag consisted only of sweets for I think he may have had a sugar rush. 


In the morning we had a lazy time watching television and playing with Star Wars toys. We also made a "science car" that we won in the children's tombola at the Summer Fayre yesterday. Elliott helped put this together and when it was finished the cell battery ran from salt water being added to it and made the wheels go round. After we'd made the science car we headed off to Harry's party via Sainsburys where we had ham and cheese toasties for lunch.

When I picked him up after Harry's party he said he'd had a good time and when I got there he was playing tennis with Adam. He said they played lots of outdoor games, especially tennis and he'd enjoyed the barbeque. After we got home we played badminton in the garden for a while where Elliott had fun trying to beat his record for how many times he could bounce the shuttle cock on his racquet. Unfortunately when it was time to go in he got a bit upset and wanted to stay out longer (even though he'd already had an extra 5 minutes). After a small sulk he did cheer up though and then it was bath time followed by him reading more of "Horrid Henry tricks the tooth fairy" and then we talked about puppets for home learning - he found the sock puppet we made when he was younger and we talked about seeing the 3 billy goats gruff puppet show. Then it was bed time.

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