Tuesday 14 July 2015

Wobbly tooth


Elliott was good after school today
. We ended up not going swimming due to him having an extremely wobbly tooth and because we went to look round his new class room for Year 3 straight after school (very much like his Year 2 class room but with some art work about Romans). I did add some more Bazuka to his verruca after bath time but only a small drop. Also he came home with his Maths / Reading results in an envelope and he's got a 2a for everything, apart from one Science subject (Life Processes and Living Things) where he got a 3 (which is better than a 2). He got 2as for his reading and writing SAT tests too. So I told him how pleased I was with that and how pleased you'll be too.


After we looked round his new class room we went shopping on the way home and he was really well behaved. After we got home he was wobbling his tooth and it came out so we found a bag and have put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. He played some Minecraft on the iPad before doing his homework, which was a word search. We also talked about poems a bit and then he had toast for tea, plus some rocket (as we were having rocket as part of our tea). Then it was bath time and after bath he read his book about dinosaurs before putting his tooth under his pillow and bed time.

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