Wednesday 22 July 2015

Lego helicopter


Elliott was very excited after school today due to it being the summer holidays and was really patient in the car on our way to Granny and Grandpas.
 He had fish and chips for lunch even though it wasn't a Friday because it was the last day of term.


We went straight from school to Granny and Grandpas. When we got there Grandpa had bought Elliott a t-shirt and a Lego helicopter and boat set from his latest journey to Malaysia and Elliott immediately got on with making the Lego set. After he'd made the helicopter and boat and told Granny all about school and singing it was tea time and he had toast for tea. Then it was time for his bath, I read him another chapter of his Jack Stalwart book and then he watched the iPad for a special end of term treat before it was time for sleep.

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