Thursday 23 July 2015

Moors Valley Park


Elliott was very good today. 


We began the morning by getting out his old starter Scaletrix set and playing some Scaletrix. He also made a picture with some mosaic pieces. Then we headed off to Moors Valley Park with Granny and Grandpa. When we arrived we wandered around the wooded area watching people taking part in the Go Ape course there. Then we went to the visitor's centre for lunch and Elliott had some garlic bread with cheese and millionaire shortbread for pudding.

After lunch we followed a Superworm themed nature trail. Elliott told us all about Superworm from the book he has at yours and enjoyed the trail, which was a walk around a lake. We saw ducks, fish, water boatmen, lots of birds, butteflies and moths and lots of insects. After the nature trail he played on the adventure playground. Then we went home and he watched some Officially Amazing and Deadly 60. We had meatballs and spaghetti for tea before bath then we shared reading another chapter of his Jack Stalwart book.

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